– Nombre oficial: The Royal Automobile Club Grand Prix d’Europe Incorporating The British Grand Prix.
– 1º Gran Premio del Campeonato del Mundo de Fórmula 1
– 3ª Edición del Gran Premio de Gran Bretaña
– 3ª Edición disputada en el circuito de Silverstone
– 1ª Edición del Gran Premio de Gran Bretaña en el Campeonato del Mundo de Fórmula 1

1ª prueba del Campeonato del Mundo de Fórmula 1 de 1950

Circuito: Silverstone Circuit. Inglaterra
Tipo: Permanente
Longitud: 4.649 m (Variante 1950-1951)
Récord vigente de vuelta rápida para Pole Position:
– Luigi Villoresi, 1949 (2m:09,8s) con un Maserati 4CLT/48 (Variante 1949, 4.828 m)
Récord vigente de vuelta rápida en carrera:
– S.A.R. Birabongse Bhanuban (Príncipe Bira), 1949 (2m:10,4s) con un Maserati 4CLT/48 (Variante 1949, 4.828 m)

Póster Gran Premio de Gran Bretaña 1950
Póster Gran Premio de Gran Bretaña 1950

Fecha:  sábado, 13 de mayo de 1950
Clima: Seco y soleado
Vueltas programadas/disputadas: 70/70 vueltas

Pole Position:
Giuseppe Farina (1m:50,8s) con un Alfa Romeo 158 ¡Nuevo récord!
Vuelta rápida:
Giuseppe Farina (1m:50,6s v.02) con un Alfa Romeo 158 ¡Nuevo récord!
Vueltas en cabeza:
– (1-9 / 16-37 / 39-70) Giuseppe Farina, (Alfa Romeo), 63 vueltas
– (10-14 / 38) Luigi Fagioli (Alfa Romeo), 6 vueltas
– (15) Juan Manuel Fangio (Alfa Romeo), 1 vueltas


– 1ª pole position de Giuseppe Farina en el Mundial.
– 1ª pole position de Alfa Romeo, que de hecho colocó a sus cuatro coches en los cuatro primeros puestos de la parrilla tras dominar la calificación.
– 1º Gran Premio, victoria, pódium, pole position y vuelta rápida de Giuseppe Farina.
– 1º y último hat trick de Giuseppe Farina.
– 1º Gran Premio y podio de Luigi Fagioli.
– 1º Gran Premio de Juan Manuel Fangio
– 1º y último podio de Reg Parnell.
– 1ª victoria, pole position y vuelta rápida de Alfa Romeo como constructor y como proveedor de motores.
– 1º doblete de Alfa Romeo como constructor y como proveedor de motores.
– 1º triplete de Alfa Romeo como constructor y como proveedor de motores.
– 1º Gran Premio de Maserati.
– Los coches Nº9 y Nº10 son conducidos por más de un piloto.
– Los números 7 y 13 no se asignan a ningún corredor.
– El sábado todos los pilotos fueron presentados al Rey de Inglaterra Jorge VI, y a su hija, Isabel, futura reina.
– Todas las escuderías de primer nivel estaban presentes, salvo Ferrari, que prefirió correr el Gran Premio de Mons en Bélgica (Fórmula 2).
– Los ingleses en aquella época eran muy estrictos con el descanso dominical, por lo que la prueba se desarrollaba el sábado y los entrenamientos cronometrados el jueves y viernes
– Tras el fallecimiento de Tony Rolt, el 6 de febrero de 2008, no queda ningún piloto vivo que participase en esta carrera.
Visitar sitio oficial de la Fórmula 1

GP Sesión
GP Gran Premio Sesión POS RES Escudería País Piloto Coche Neum. V Q1 Tiempo Gap #Pos # Dif Puntos Piloto KM
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 1 1 Alfa Romeo SpA 2 ITA Giuseppe Farina Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 0 - 1m:50,800s - 1 1 0 0 FAR -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 2 2 Alfa Romeo SpA 3 ITA Luigi Fagioli Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 0 - 1m:51,000s +0m:00,200s 2 2 0 0 FAG -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 3 3 Alfa Romeo SpA 1 ARG Juan Manuel Fangio Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 0 - 1m:51,200s +0m:00,400s 3 3 0 0 FAN -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 4 4 Alfa Romeo SpA 4 GBR Reg Parnell Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 0 - 1m:52,200s +0m:01,400s 4 4 0 0 PAR -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 5 5 Enrico Platé 21 THA Birabongse Bhanubandh Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 0 - 1m:52,600s +0m:01,800s 5 5 0 0 BHA -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 6 6 Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA 14 FRA Yves Giraud-Cabantous Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Dunlop 0 - 1m:53,400s +0m:02,600s 6 6 0 0 GIR -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 7 7 Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA 17 FRA Eugène Martin Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Dunlop 0 - 1m:55,400s +0m:04,600s 7 7 0 0 MAR -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 8 8 Enrico Platé 20 CHE Emmanuel de Graffenried Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 0 - 1m:55,800s +0m:05,000s 8 8 0 0 DEG -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 9 9 Ecurie Rosier 15 FRA Louis Rosier Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 0 - 1m:56,000s +0m:05,200s 9 9 0 0 ROS -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 10 10 Piloto privado 9 GBR Peter Walker ERA E-Type GP-2 Dunlop 0 - 1m:56,600s +0m:05,800s 10 10 0 0 WAL -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 11 11 Officine Alfieri Maserati 19 MON Louis Chiron Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 0 - 1m:56,600s +0m:05,800s 11 11 0 0 CHI -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 12 12 ERA Ltd. 8 GBR Leslie Johnson ERA E-Type GP-2 Dunlop 0 - 1m:57,400s +0m:06,600s 12 12 0 0 JOH -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 13 13 Piloto privado 12 GBR Bob Gerard ERA B-Type Dunlop 0 - 1m:57,400s +0m:06,600s 13 13 0 0 GER -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 14 14 Piloto privado 16 FRA Philippe Étancelin Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 0 - 1m:57,800s +0m:07,000s 14 14 0 0 ETA -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 15 15 Piloto privado 11 GBR Cuth Harrison ERA B-Type Dunlop 0 - 1m:58,400s +0m:07,600s 15 15 0 0 HAR -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 16 16 Scuderia Ambrosiana 6 GBR David Hampshire Maserati 4CLT/48 Dunlop 0 - 2m:01,000s +0m:10,200s 16 16 0 0 HAM -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 17 17 Piloto privado 24 GBR Geoff Crossley Alta GP Dunlop 0 - 2m:02,600s +0m:11,800s 17 17 0 0 CROS -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 18 18 Scuderia Ambrosiana 5 GBR David Murray Maserati 4CLT/48 Dunlop 0 - 2m:05,600s +0m:14,800s 18 18 0 0 MUR -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 19 19 Piloto privado 23 IRL Joe Kelly Alta GP Dunlop 0 - 2m:06,200s +0m:15,400s 19 19 0 0 KEL -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 20 20 Piloto privado 10 GBR Joe Fry Maserati 4CL Dunlop 0 - 2m:07,000s +0m:16,200s 20 20 0 0 FRY -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 21 21 Ecurie Belge 18 BEL Johnny Claes Talbot-Lago T26C Englebert 0 - 2m:08,800s +0m:18,000s 21 21 0 0 CLA -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 22 22 Piloto privado 10 GBR Brian Shawe-Taylor Maserati 4CL Dunlop 0 - sin tiempo - 22 - 0 0 SHA -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 23 23 Piloto privado 9 GBR Tony Rolt ERA E-Type GP-2 Dunlop 0 - sin tiempo - 23 - 0 0 ROL -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 24 Su Alfa Romeo SpA 3 ITA Gianbattista Guidotti Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 0 - - suplente 24 - 0 0 GUI -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 25 Np Scuderia Milano 22 ITA Felice Bonetto Maserati Milano-Speluzzi 4CLT/50 Pirelli 0 - - no presentado 25 - 0 0 BON -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 26 Np Piloto privado 26 GBR Raymond Mays ERA D-Type Dunlop 0 - - cancela inscripción 26 - 0 0 MAY -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 VR 1 1 Alfa Romeo SpA 2 ITA Giuseppe Farina Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 2 1m:50,600s - 151,324 km/h - - - 1 FAR -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 VR 2 2 Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA 14 FRA Yves Giraud-Cabantous Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Dunlop 41 1m:53,400s +0m:02,800s 147,587 km/h - - - 0 GIR -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 VR 3 3 Ecurie Rosier 15 FRA Louis Rosier Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 10 1m:55,400s +0m:04,800s 145,029 km/h - - - 0 ROS -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 VR 4 4 Piloto privado 16 FRA Philippe Étancelin Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 31 1m:57,400s +0m:06,800s 142,559 km/h - - - 0 ETA -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 VR 5 5 Ecurie Belge 18 BEL Johnny Claes Talbot-Lago T26C Englebert 29 2m:08,800s +0m:18,200s 129,941 km/h - - - 0 CLA -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 1 1 Alfa Romeo SpA 2 ITA Giuseppe Farina Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 70 - - 2h:13m:23,600s [PP+VR] 1 1 0 8 FAR 325,430
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 2 2 Alfa Romeo SpA 3 ITA Luigi Fagioli Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 70 - - +00m:02,600s 2 2 0 6 FAG 325,430
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 3 3 Alfa Romeo SpA 4 GBR Reg Parnell Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 70 - - +00m:52,000s 4 4 1 4 PAR 325,430
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 4 4 Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA 14 FRA Yves Giraud-Cabantous Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Dunlop 68 - - +2 vueltas 6 6 2 3 GIR 316,132
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 5 5 Ecurie Rosier 15 FRA Louis Rosier Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 68 - - +2 vueltas 9 9 4 2 ROS 316,132
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 6 6 Piloto privado 12 GBR Bob Gerard ERA B-Type Dunlop 67 - - +3 vueltas 13 13 7 0 GER 311,483
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 7 7 Piloto privado 11 GBR Cuth Harrison ERA B-Type Dunlop 67 - - +3 vueltas 15 15 8 0 HAR 311,483
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 8 8 Piloto privado 16 FRA Philippe Étancelin Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 65 - - +5 vueltas 14 14 6 0 ETA 302,185
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 9 9 Scuderia Ambrosiana 6 GBR David Hampshire Maserati 4CLT/48 Dunlop 64 - - +6 vueltas 16 16 7 0 HAM 297,536
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 10 10 Piloto privado 10 GBR Joe Fry Maserati 4CL Dunlop 45 - - coche compartido 20 20 10 0 FRY 209,205
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 11 10 Piloto privado 10 GBR Brian Shawe-Taylor Maserati 4CL Dunlop 19 - - +6 vueltas 22 - 11 0 SHA 88,331
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 12 11 Ecurie Belge 18 BEL Johnny Claes Talbot-Lago T26C Englebert 64 - - +6 vueltas 21 21 9 0 CLA 297,536
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 13 Av Alfa Romeo SpA 1 ARG Juan Manuel Fangio Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 62 - - fuga de aceite 3 3 -10 0 FAN 288,238
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 14 Nc Piloto privado 23 IRL Joe Kelly Alta GP Dunlop 57 - - +13 v. (distancia insuficiente) 19 19 5 0 KEL 264,993
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 15 Av Enrico Platé 21 THA Birabongse Bhanubandh Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 49 - - alimentación de combustible 5 5 -10 0 BHA 227,801
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 16 Av Scuderia Ambrosiana 5 GBR David Murray Maserati 4CLT/48 Dunlop 44 - - motor 18 18 2 0 MUR 204,556
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 17 Av Piloto privado 24 GBR Geoff Crossley Alta GP Dunlop 43 - - transmisión 17 17 0 0 CROS 199,907
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 18 Av Enrico Platé 20 CHE Emmanuel de Graffenried Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 36 - - biela 8 8 -10 0 DEG 167,364
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 19 Av Officine Alfieri Maserati 19 MON Louis Chiron Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 24 - - embrague 11 11 -8 0 CHI 111,576
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 20 Av Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA 17 FRA Eugène Martin Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Dunlop 8 - - presión de aceite 7 7 -13 0 MAR 37,192
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 21 Av Piloto privado 9 GBR Peter Walker ERA E-Type GP-2 Dunlop 2 - - coche compartido 10 10 -11 0 WAL 9,298
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 22 Av Piloto privado 9 GBR Tony Rolt ERA E-Type GP-2 Dunlop 3 - - cambio 23 - 1 0 ROL 13,947
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 23 Av ERA Ltd 8 GBR Leslie Johnson ERA E-Type GP-2 Dunlop 2 - - compresor 12 12 -11 0 JOH 9,298
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 1 1 Alfa Romeo SpA 34 ARG Juan Manuel Fangio Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 0 - 1m:50,200s - 1 1 0 0 FAN -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 2 2 Alfa Romeo SpA 32 ITA Giuseppe Farina Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 0 - 1m:52,800s +0m:02,600s 2 2 0 0 FAR -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 3 3 Scuderia Achille Varzi 2 ARG José Froilán González Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 0 - 1m:57,300s +0m:03,500s 3 3 0 0 GON -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 4 4 Piloto privado 14 FRA Philippe Étancelin Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 0 - 1m:54,100s +0m:03,900s 4 4 0 0 ETA -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 5 5 Alfa Romeo SpA 36 ITA Luigi Fagioli Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 0 - 1m:54,200s +0m:04,000s 5 5 0 0 FAG -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 6 6 Scuderia Ferrari 38 ITA Luigi Villoresi Ferrari 125 Pirelli 0 - 1m:52,300s +0m:02,100s 6 6 0 0 VIL -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 7 7 Scuderia Ferrari 40 ITA Alberto Ascari Ferrari 125 Pirelli 0 - 1m:53,800s +0m:03,600s 7 7 0 0 ASC -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 8 8 Officine Alfieri Maserati 48 MON Louis Chiron Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 0 - 1m:56,300s +0m:06,100s 8 8 0 0 CHI -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 9 9 Scuderia Ferrari 42 FRA Raymond Sommer Ferrari 125 Pirelli 0 - 1m:56,600s +0m:06,400s 9 9 0 0 SOM -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 10 10 Ecurie Rosier 16 FRA Louis Rosier Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 0 - 1m:57,700s +0m:07,500s 10 10 0 0 ROS -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 11 11 Equipe Gordini 10 FRA Robert Manzon SIMCA-Gordini T15 Englebert 0 - 2m:04,000s +0m:10,200s 11 11 0 0 MAN -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 12 12 Enrico Platé 52 CHE Emmanuel de Graffenried Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 0 - 2m:00,700s +0m:10,500s 12 12 0 0 DEG -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 13 13 Equipe Gordini 12 FRA Maurice Trintignant SIMCA-Gordini T15 Englebert 0 - 2m:19,400s +0m:11,200s 13 13 0 0 TRI -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 14 14 Piloto privado 24 GBR Cuth Harrison ERA B Dunlop 0 - 2m:01,600s +0m:11,400s 14 14 0 0 HAR -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 15 15 Enrico Platé 50 THA Birabongse Bhanubandh Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 0 - 2m:02,200s +0m:12,000s 15 15 0 0 BHA -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 16 16 Piloto privado 26 GBR Bob Gerard ERA A Dunlop 0 - 2m:03,400s +0m:13,200s 16 16 0 0 GER -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 17 17 Officine Alfieri Maserati 44 ITA Franco Rol Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 0 - 2m:04,500s +0m:14,300s 17 17 0 0 ROL -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 18 Ac Scuderia Achille Varzi 4 ARG Alfredo Piàn Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 0 - sin tiempo accidente en entrenamientos 18 18 0 0 PIA -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 19 19 Ecurie Belge 6 BEL Johnny Claes Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 0 - 2m:12,000s +0m:21,800s 19 19 0 0 CLA -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 20 20 Horschell Racing Corp 8 USA Harry Schell Cooper-JAP Dunlop 0 - sin tiempo - 20 20 0 0 SCH -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 21 21 Piloto privado 28 GBR Peter Whitehead Ferrari 125 Dunlop 0 - sin tiempo - 21 21 0 0 WHI -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 22 Np Ecurie Rosier 18 FRA Charles Pozzi Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 0 - - no presentado 19 - -3 0 POZ -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 23 Np Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA 20 FRA Yves Giraud-Cabantous Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 0 - - no presentado 20 - -3 0 GIR -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 24 Np Piloto privado 22 FRA Pierre Levegh Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 0 - - no presentado 21 - -3 0 LEV -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 25 Np Scuderia Milano 46 ITA Clemente Biondetti Maserati 4CLT/50 Pirelli 0 - - coche no disponible 22 - -3 0 BIO -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 26 Np Equipe Gordini 54 FRA André Simon SIMCA-Gordini T15 Dunlop 0 - - inscripción cancelada 23 - -3 0 SIM -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco VR 1 1 Alfa Romeo SpA 34 ARG Juan Manuel Fangio Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 0 1m:51,000s - 103,135 km/h - - - 1 FAN -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco VR 2 2 Piloto privado 14 FRA Philippe Étancelin Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 0 1m:57,900s +06,900s 97,099 km/h - - - 0 ETA -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco VR 3 3 Ecurie Belge 6 BEL Johnny Claes Talbot-Lago T26C Englebert 0 2m:00,200s +09,200s 95,241 km/h - - - 0 CLA -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 1 1 Alfa Romeo SpA 34 ARG Juan Manuel Fangio Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 100 - - 3h:13m:18,7s [PP+VR+GC] 1 1 0 8 FAN 318,000
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 2 2 Scuderia Ferrari 40 ITA Alberto Ascari Ferrari 125 Pirelli 99 - - +01 vueltas 7 7 5 6 ASC 314,820
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 3 3 Officine Alfieri Maserati 48 MON Louis Chiron Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 98 - - +02 vueltas 8 8 5 4 CHI 311,640
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 4 4 Scuderia Ferrari 42 FRA Raymond Sommer Ferrari 125 Pirelli 97 - - +03 vueltas 9 9 5 3 SOM 308,460
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 5 5 Enrico Platé 50 THA Birabongse Bhanubandh Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 95 - - +05 vueltas 15 15 10 2 BHA 302,100
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 6 6 Piloto privado 26 GBR Bob Gerard ERA A Dunlop 94 - - +06 vueltas 16 16 10 0 GER 298,920
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 7 7 Ecurie Belge 6 BEL Johnny Claes Talbot-Lago T26C Englebert 94 - - +06 vueltas 19 19 12 0 CLA 298,920
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 8 Av Scuderia Ferrari 38 ITA Luigi Villoresi Ferrari 125 Pirelli 63 - - transmisión 6 6 -2 0 VIL 200,340
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 9 Av Piloto privado 14 FRA Philippe Étancelin Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 38 - - fuga de aceite 4 4 -5 0 ETA 120,840
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 10 Ac Scuderia Achille Varzi 2 ARG José Froilán González Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 1 - - fuego 3 3 -7 0 GON 3,180
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 11 Ac Alfa Romeo SpA 32 ITA Giuseppe Farina Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 0 - - accidente 2 2 -9 0 FAR 0,000
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 12 Ac Alfa Romeo SpA 36 ITA Luigi Fagioli Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 0 - - accidente 5 5 -7 0 FAG 0,000
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 13 Ac Ecurie Rosier 16 FRA Louis Rosier Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 0 - - accidente 10 10 -3 0 ROS 0,000
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 14 Ac Equipe Gordini 10 FRA Robert Manzon SIMCA-Gordini T15 Englebert 0 - - accidente 11 11 -3 0 MAN 0,000
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 15 Ac Enrico Platé 52 CHE Emmanuel de Graffenried Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 0 - - accidente 12 12 -3 0 DEG 0,000
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 16 Ac Equipe Gordini 12 FRA Maurice Trintignant SIMCA-Gordini T15 Englebert 0 - - accidente 13 13 -3 0 TRI 0,000
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 17 Ac Piloto privado 24 GBR Cuth Harrison ERA B Dunlop 0 - - accidente 14 14 -3 0 HAR 0,000
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 18 Ac Officine Alfieri Maserati 44 ITA Franco Rol Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 0 - - accidente 17 17 -1 0 ROL 0,000
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 19 Ac Horschell Racing Corp 8 USA Harry Schell Cooper-JAP Dunlop 0 - - colisión 20 20 1 0 SCH 0,000
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 20 Ns Piloto privado 28 GBR Peter Whitehead Ferrari 125 Dunlop 0 - - motor 21 21 1 0 WHI 0,000
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 1 1 Grant Piston Ring/Agajanian 98 USA Walt Faulkner Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser 2000 Firestone 1 - 04m:27,970s - 1 1 0 0 FAU -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 2 2 Wynn's Friction / Kurtis-Kraft 28 USA Fred Agabashian Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Firestone 1 - 04m:31,100s - 2 2 0 0 AGA -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 3 3 Offenhauser/Howard Keck 31 USA Mauri Rose Deidt-Offenhauser Tuffanelli Derrico Firestone 1 - 04m:32,070s - 3 3 0 0 ROS -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 4 4 Blue Crown Spark Plug/Moore 5 USA George Connor Lesovsky-Offenhauser Firestone 1 - 04m:32,390s - 4 4 0 0 CON -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 5 5 Wynn's Friction / Kurtis-Kraft 1 USA Johnnie Parsons Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Firestone 1 - 04m:32,430s - 5 5 0 0 PAR -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 6 6 Jack Hinkle 49 USA Jack McGrath Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Firestone 1 - 04m:33,000s - 6 6 0 0 MCG -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 7 7 Brown Motors 69 USA Duke Dinsmore Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Firestone 1 - 04m:34,670s - 7 7 0 0 DIN -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 8 8 Blue Crown Spark Plug/Moore 14 USA Tony Bettenhausen Deidt-Offenhauser Firestone 1 - 04m:34,920s - 8 8 0 0 BET -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 9 9 Ervin Wolfe 17 USA Joie Chitwood Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Firestone 1 - 04m:35,320s - 9 9 0 0 CHI -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 10 10 Blue Crown Spark Plug/Moore 3 USA Bill Holland Deidt-Offenhauser Firestone 1 - 04m:35,900s - 10 10 0 0 HOL -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 11 11 Granatelli-Sabourin/Grancor 59 USA Pat Flaherty Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Firestone 1 - 04m:37,760s - 11 11 0 0 FLA -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 12 12 John Zink/M.A. Walker 54 USA Cecil Green Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Firestone 2 - 04m:30,860s - 12 12 0 0 GRE -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 13 13 Murrell Belanger 18 USA Duane Carter Stevens-Offenhauser Firestone 2 - 04m:33,420s - 13 13 0 0 CAR -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 14 14 Fadely-Anderson/R.A. Cott 21 USA Spider Webb Maserati-Offenhauser 8CTF Firestone 2 - 04m:37,460s - 14 14 0 0 WEB -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 15 15 Ludson Morris 81 USA Jerry Hoyt Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Firestone 2 - 04m:37,950s - 15 15 0 0 HOY -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 16 16 Bardahl/Carl Marchese 2 USA Myron Fohr Marchese-Offenhauser Firestone 3 - 04m:33,320s - 16 16 0 0 FOH -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 17 17 Richard Palmer 24 USA Bayliss Levrett Adams-Offenhauser Firestone 3 - 04m:34,430s - 17 17 0 0 LEV -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 18 18 City of Glendale/A.J. Watson 45 USA Dick Rathmann Watson-Offenhauser Indy Roadster Firestone 3 - 04m:34,960s - 18 18 0 0 RAT -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 19 19 Paul Russo & Ray Nichels 7 USA Paul Russo Nichels-Offenhauser Firestone 3 - 04m:35,250s - 19 19 0 0 RUS -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 20 20 Tuffy's Offy 4 USA Walt Brown Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Firestone 3 - 04m:35,960s - 20 20 0 0 BRO -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 21 21 Indianapolis Race Cars 12 USA Henry Banks Maserati-Offenhauser 8CTF Firestone 3 - 04m:37,680s - 21 21 0 0 BAN -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 22 22 Automobile Shippers/Rassey 67 USA Bill Schindler Snowberger-Offenhauser Firestone 4 - 04m:31,310s - 22 22 0 0 SCH -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 23 23 Blue Crown Spark Plug/Moore 8 USA Lee Wallard Moore-Offenhauser Firestone 4 - 04m:31,830s - 23 23 0 0 WAL -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 24 24 Bowes Seal Fast Racing 55 USA Troy Ruttman Lesovsky-Offenhauser Firestone 4 - 04m:32,910s - 24 24 0 0 RUT -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 25 25 Merz Engineering/Milt Marion 23 USA Sam Hanks Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Firestone 4 - 04m:33,570s - 25 25 0 0 HAN -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 26 26 Tuffy's Offy 15 USA Mack Hellings Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Firestone 4 - 04m:35,320s - 26 26 0 0 HEL -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 27 27 Pat Clancy 22 USA Jimmy Davies Ewing-Offenhauser Firestone 4 - 04m:36,070s - 27 27 0 0 DAV -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 28 28 Pioneer Auto Repair/Lorenz 76 USA Jim Rathmann Wetteroth-Offenhauser Firestone 4 - 04m:37,010s - 28 28 0 0 RAT -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 29 29 Sampson Manufacturing 27 USA Walt Ader Rae-Offenhauser Firestone 4 - 04m:37,050s - 29 29 0 0 ADE -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 30 30 Norm Olson 77 USA Jackie Holmes Olson-Offenhauser Special Firestone 4 - 04m:37,570s - 30 30 0 0 HOL -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 31 31 Troy Oil / Joe Langley 75 USA Gene Hartley Langley-Offenhauser Firestone 4 - 04m:38,610s - 31 31 0 0 HAR -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 32 32 Cummins Diesel 61 USA Jimmy Jackson Kurtis Kraft-Cummins Firestone 4 - 04m:38,620s - 32 32 0 0 JAC -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 33 33 Peter Wales Trucking 62 USA Johnny McDowell Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Firestone 5 - 04m:37,580s - 33 33 0 0 MCD -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 34 Nq Tom Sarafoff 66 USA Cliff Griffith Miller-Offenhauser Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 GRI -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 35 Nq Bruce & Louis Bromme 9 USA Andy Linden Bromme-Offenhauser Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 LIN -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 36 Nq Bruce & Louis Bromme 9 USA Bud Rose Bromme-Offenhauser Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 ROS -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 37 Nq Tuffy's Offy 10 USA Hal Cole Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser 2000 Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 COL -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 38 Nq Indianapolis Race Cars 10 USA Bill Vukovich Maserati 8CTF Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 VUK -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 39 Nq Tuffy's Offy 16 USA Ted Duncan Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 DUN -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 40 Nq Lutes Truck Parts 19 USA Ralph Pratt Bardazon-Offenhauser Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 PRA -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 41 Nq Lutes Truck Parts 19 USA Kenny Eaton Bardazon-Offenhauser Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 EAT -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 42 Nq Johnny Mauro 25 USA Johnny Mauro Alfa Romeo 8C-308 Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 MAU -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 43 Nq Ray Brady 26 USA George Fonder Deidt-Sparks Tuffanelli Derrico Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 FON -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 44 Nq Redmer 29 BEL Charles Van Acker Stevens-Offenhauser Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 VAN -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 45 Nq Thorne Engineering 33 USA Joel Thorne Kurtis Kraft-Sparks Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 THO -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 46 Nq Thomas Kupiec 34 USA Johnny Fedricks Kupiec-Offenhauser Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 FED -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 47 Nq Auto Shippers 36 USA George Lynch Snowberger-Offenhauser Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 LYN -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 48 Nq Novi Mobil 38 USA Duke Nalon Kurtis Kraft-Novi Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 NAL -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 49 Nq Federal Engineering 39 USA Danny Kladis Maserati 8CTF Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 KLA -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 50 Nq Karl Hall 41 USA Milt Fankhouser Stevens-Offenhauser Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 FAN -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 51 Nq Novi Mobil 43 USA Chet Miller Kurtis Kraft-Novi Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 MIL -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 52 Nq Bowes Seal Fast Racing 44 USA Bill Cantrell Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 CAN -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 53 Nq Ed Gdula 47 USA Ralph Pratt Gdula-Offenhauser Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 PRA -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 54 Nq Lee Glessner 51 USA Mark Light Stevens-Offenhauser Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 LIG -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 55 Nq Meyer & Iddings 52 USA Mark Light Meyer-Offenhauser Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 LIG -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 56 Nq Meyer & Iddings 52 USA Dick Frazier Meyer-Offenhauser Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 FRA -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 57 Nq Joe Scopa 58 USA Billy Devore Scopa-Offenhauser Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 DEV -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 58 Nq Esmeralda / Leo Dobry 63 USA Joe James Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser 2000 Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 JAM -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 59 Nq Esmeralda / Leo Dobry 63 USA Bob Gregg Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser 2000 Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 GREG -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 60 Nq Ray Carter 64 USA Bob Sweikert Wetteroth-Offenhauser Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 SWE -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 61 Nq Ross Page 65 USA Marvin Burke Kurtis Kraft-Duray Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 BUR -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 62 Nq Ross Page 65 USA Norm Houser Kurtis Kraft-Duray Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 HOU -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 63 Nq Jewell 74 USA Carl Forberg Miller-Offenhauser Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 FOR -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 64 Nq Vulcan Tool 78 USA Cy Marshall R Miller Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 MAR -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 65 Nq Cantarano 79 USA Chuck Leighton Cantarano-Wayne Cannonball Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 LEI -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 66 Nq Bob Estes 82 USA Joe James Weidel-Mercury V8 Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 JAM -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 67 Nq Trainor Auto Parts 83 USA Al Miller Miller RE4D Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 MIL -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 68 Nq George Hoster Inc. 84 USA Mike Burch Maserati 8CTF Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 BUR -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 69 Nq Coast Grain 85 USA Manuel Ayulo Maserati-Offenhauser 8CTF Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 AYU -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 70 Nq Coast Grain 85 USA Jim Rigsby Maserati-Offenhauser 8CTF Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 RIG -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 71 Nq REC / NJ Rounds 87 USA Bill Vukovich Rounds Rocket-Offenhauser Special Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 VUK -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 72 Nq Murrell Belanger 99 USA Emil Andres Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 AND -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 73 Nq Murrell Belanger 99 USA Kenny Eaton Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 EAT -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 76 Nq Richard Palmer 24 USA Bill Cantrell Adams-Offenhauser Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 CAN -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis VR 1 1 Wynn's Friction / Kurtis-Kraft 1 USA Johnnie Parsons Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Firestone 0 1m:09,770s - 207,579 km/h - - - 1 PAR -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 1 1 Wynn's Friction / Kurtis-Kraft 1 USA Johnnie Parsons Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Firestone 138 - - 2h:46m:55,970s [VR] 5 5 4 8 PAR 555,174
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 2 2 Blue Crown Spark Plug/Moore 3 USA Bill Holland Deidt-Offenhauser Firestone 137 - - +01 vueltas 10 10 8 6 HOL 551,151
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 3 3 Offenhauser/Howard Keck 31 USA Mauri Rose Deidt-Offenhauser Tuffanelli Derrico Firestone 137 - - +01 vueltas 3 3 0 4 ROS 551,151
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 4 4 John Zink/M.A. Walker 54 USA Cecil Green Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Firestone 137 - - +01 vueltas 12 12 8 3 GRE 551,151
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 5 5 Ervin Wolfe 17 USA Joie Chitwood Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Firestone 82 - - relevado por Bettenhausen 9 9 4 1 CHI 329,886
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 5 5 Ervin Wolfe 17 USA Tony Bettenhausen Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Firestone 54 - - +02 vueltas - - - 1 BET 217,242
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 6 6 Blue Crown Spark Plug/Moore 8 USA Lee Wallard Moore-Offenhauser Firestone 136 - - +02 vueltas 23 23 17 0 WAL 547,128
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 7 7 Grant Piston Ring/Agajanian 98 USA Walt Faulkner Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser 2000 Firestone 135 - - +03 vueltas [PP] 1 1 -6 0 FAU 543,105
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 8 8 Blue Crown Spark Plug/Moore 5 USA George Connor Lesovsky-Offenhauser Firestone 135 - - +03 vueltas 4 4 -4 0 CON 543,105
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 9 9 Paul Russo & Ray Nichels 7 USA Paul Russo Nichels-Offenhauser Firestone 135 - - +03 vueltas 19 19 10 0 RUS 543,105
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 10 10 Granatelli-Sabourin/Grancor 59 USA Pat Flaherty Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Firestone 135 - - +03 vueltas 11 11 1 0 FLA 543,105
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 11 11 Bardahl/Carl Marchese 2 USA Myron Fohr Marchese-Offenhauser Firestone 133 - - +05 vueltas 16 16 5 0 FOH 535,059
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 12 12 Murrell Belanger 18 USA Duane Carter Stevens-Offenhauser Firestone 133 - - +05 vueltas 13 13 1 0 CAR 535,059
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 13 13 Tuffy's Offy 15 USA Mack Hellings Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Firestone 132 - - +06 vueltas 26 26 13 0 HEL 531,036
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 14 14* Jack Hinkle 49 USA Jack McGrath Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Firestone 131 - - accidente 6 6 -8 0 MCG 527,013
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 15 15 Bowes Seal Fast Racing 55 USA Troy Ruttman Lesovsky-Offenhauser Firestone 130 - - +08 vueltas 24 24 9 0 RUT 522,990
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 16 16 Troy Oil / Joe Langley 75 USA Gene Hartley Langley-Offenhauser Firestone 128 - - +10 vueltas 31 31 15 0 HAR 514,944
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 17 17 Pat Clancy 22 USA Jimmy Davies Ewing-Offenhauser Firestone 128 - - +10 vueltas 27 27 10 0 DAV 514,944
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 18 18 Peter Wales Trucking 62 USA Johnny McDowell Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Firestone 128 - - +10 vueltas 33 33 15 0 MCD 514,944
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 19 19 Tuffy's Offy 4 USA Walt Brown Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Firestone 127 - - +11 vueltas 20 20 1 0 BRO 510,921
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 20 20 Fadely-Anderson/R.A. Cott 21 USA Spider Webb Maserati-Offenhauser 8CTF Firestone 126 - - +12 vueltas 14 14 -6 0 WEB 506,898
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 21 21 Ludson Morris 81 USA Jerry Hoyt Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Firestone 125 - - +13 vueltas 15 15 -6 0 HOY 502,875
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 22 22 Sampson Manufacturing 27 USA Walt Ader Rae-Offenhauser Firestone 123 - - +15 vueltas 29 29 7 0 ADE 494,829
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 23 23 Norm Olson 77 USA Jackie Holmes Olson-Offenhauser Special Firestone 123 - - accidente 30 30 7 0 HOL 494,829
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 24 24 Pioneer Auto Repair/Lorenz 76 USA Jim Rathmann Wetteroth-Offenhauser Firestone 122 - - +16 vueltas 28 28 4 0 RAT 490,806
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 25 25 Indianapolis Race Cars 12 USA Henry Banks Maserati-Offenhauser 8CTF Firestone 71 - - relevado por Agabashian 21 21 -4 0 BAN 285,633
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 25 25 Indianapolis Race Cars 12 USA Fred Agabashian Maserati-Offenhauser Firestone 41 - - fuga de aceite - - - 0 AGA 164,943
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 26 26 Automobile Shippers/Rassey 67 USA Bill Schindler Snowberger-Offenhauser Firestone 111 - - transmisión 22 22 -4 0 SCH 446,553
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 27 27 Richard Palmer 24 USA Bayliss Levrett Adams-Offenhauser Firestone 105 - - relevado por Cantrell 17 17 -10 0 LEV 422,415
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 27 27 Richard Palmer 24 USA Bill Cantrell Adams-Offenhauser Firestone 3 - - presión de aceite - - - 0 CAN 12,069
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 28 28 Wynn's Friction / Kurtis-Kraft 28 USA Fred Agabashian Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Firestone 64 - - fuga de aceite 2 2 -26 0 AGA 257,472
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 29 29 Cummins Diesel 61 USA Jimmy Jackson Kurtis Kraft-Cummins Firestone 52 - - compresor 32 32 3 0 JAC 209,196
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 30 30 Merz Engineering/Milt Marion 23 USA Sam Hanks Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Firestone 42 - - presión de aceite 25 25 -5 0 HAN 168,966
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 31 31 Blue Crown Spark Plug/Moore 14 USA Tony Bettenhausen Deidt-Offenhauser Firestone 30 - - rodamiento 8 8 -23 0 BET 120,690
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 32 32 City of Glendale/A.J. Watson 45 USA Dick Rathmann Watson-Offenhauser Indy Roadster Firestone 25 - - mecánica 18 18 -14 0 RAT 100,575
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 33 33 Brown Motors 69 USA Duke Dinsmore Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Firestone 10 - - fuga de aceite 7 7 -26 0 DIN 40,230
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 1 1 Alfa Romeo SpA 14 ARG Juan Manuel Fangio Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 0 - 2m:42,100s - 1 1 0 0 FAN -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 2 2 Alfa Romeo SpA 16 ITA Giuseppe Farina Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 0 - 2m:42,800s +0m:00,700s 2 2 0 0 FAR -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 3 3 Alfa Romeo SpA 12 ITA Luigi Fagioli Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 0 - 2m:45,200s +0m:03,100s 3 3 0 0 FAG -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 4 4 Scuderia Ferrari 22 ITA Luigi Villoresi Ferrari 125 Pirelli 0 - 2m:46,100s +0m:04,000s 4 4 0 0 VIL -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 5 5 Scuderia Ferrari 18 ITA Alberto Ascari Ferrari 125 Pirelli 0 - 2m:46,800s +0m:04,700s 5 5 0 0 ASC -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 6 6 Piloto privado 42 FRA Philippe Étancelin Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 0 - 2m:51,100s +0m:09,000s 6 6 0 0 ETA -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 7 7 Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA 6 FRA Yves Giraud-Cabantous Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Dunlop 0 - 2m:52,700s +0m:10,600s 7 7 0 0 GIR -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 8 8 Enrico Platé 30 THA Birabongse Bhanubandh Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 0 - 2m:53,200s +0m:11,100s 8 8 0 0 BHA -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 9 9 Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA 8 FRA Eugène Martin Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Dunlop 0 - 2m:53,700s +0m:11,600s 9 9 0 0 MAR -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 10 10 Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA 10 FRA Louis Rosier Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Dunlop 0 - 2m:54,000s +0m:11,900s 10 10 0 0 ROS -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 11 11 Enrico Platé 32 CHE Emmanuel de Graffenried Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 0 - 2m:54,200s +0m:12,100s 11 11 0 0 DEG -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 12 12 Scuderia Milano 34 ITA Felice Bonetto Maserati Milano-Speluzzi 4CLT/50 Pirelli 0 - 2m:54,600s +0m:12,500s 12 12 0 0 BON -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 13 13 Scuderia Ferrari 20 FRA Raymond Sommer Ferrari 166F2/50 Pirelli 0 - 2m:54,600s +0m:12,500s 13 13 0 0 SOM -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 14 14 Ecurie Belge 4 BEL Johnny Claes Talbot-Lago T26C Englebert 0 - 2m:59,000s +0m:16,900s 14 14 0 0 CLA -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 15 15 Scuderia Achille Varzi 2 ITA Nello Pagani Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 0 - 3m:06,900s +0m:24,700s 15 15 0 0 PAG -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 16 16 Officine Alfieri Maserati 26 MON Louis Chiron Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 0 - 3m:06,900s +0m:24,700s 16 16 0 0 CHI -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 17 17 Scuderia Achille Varzi 40 CHE Antonio Branca Maserati 4CL Pirelli 0 - 3m:10,000s +0m:27,900s 17 17 0 0 BRA -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 18 18 Ecurie Bleue 44 USA Harry Schell Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 0 - 3m:11,500s +0m:29,400s 18 18 0 0 SCH -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 19 Nq Scuderia Ferrari 24 GBR Peter Whitehead Ferrari 125 Pirelli 0 - - sin coche 19 - - 0 WHI -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 20 Np Officine Alfieri Maserati 28 ITA Franco Rol Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 0 - - no pres. (herido GP Mónaco) 20 - - 0 ROL -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 21 Np Scuderia Ambrosiana 36 GBR Reg Parnell Maserati 4CLT/48 Dunlop 0 - - no presentado 21 - - 0 PAR -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 22 Np Ecurie Espadon 38 CHE Rudolf Fischer SVA-FIAT 1500 Pirelli 0 - - no presentado 22 - - 0 FIS -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 23 Np Scuderia Achille Varzi 2 ARG José Froilán González Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 0 - - no pres. (herido GP Mónaco) 23 - - 0 GON -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz VR 1 1 Alfa Romeo SpA 16 ITA Giuseppe Farina Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 8 2m:41,600s - 162,178 km/h - - - 1 FAR -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz R 1 1 Alfa Romeo SpA 16 ITA Giuseppe Farina Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 42 - - 2h:02m:53,700s [VR] 2 2 1 8 FAR 305,760
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz R 2 2 Alfa Romeo SpA 12 ITA Luigi Fagioli Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 42 - - +0m:00,400s 3 3 1 6 FAG 305,760
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz R 3 3 Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA 10 FRA Louis Rosier Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Dunlop 41 - - +01 vueltas 10 10 7 4 ROS 298,480
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz R 4 4 Enrico Platé 30 THA Birabongse Bhanubandh Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 40 - - +02 vueltas 8 8 4 3 BHA 291,200
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz R 5 5 Scuderia Milano 34 ITA Felice Bonetto Maserati Milano-Speluzzi 4CLT/50 Pirelli 40 - - +02 vueltas 12 12 7 2 BON 291,200
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz R 6 6 Enrico Platé 32 CHE Emmanuel de Graffenried Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 40 - - +02 vueltas 11 11 5 0 DEG 291,200
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz R 7 7 Scuderia Achille Varzi 2 ITA Nello Pagani Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 39 - - +03 vueltas 15 15 8 0 PAG 283,920
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz R 8 8 Ecurie Bleue 44 USA Harry Schell Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 39 - - +03 vueltas 18 18 10 0 SCH 283,920
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz R 9 9 Officine Alfieri Maserati 26 MON Louis Chiron Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 39 - - +03 vueltas 16 16 7 0 CHI 283,920
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz R 10 10 Ecurie Belge 4 BEL Johnny Claes Talbot-Lago T26C Englebert 39 - - +03 vueltas 14 14 4 0 CLA 283,920
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz R 11 11 Scuderia Achille Varzi 40 CHE Antonio Branca Maserati 4CL Pirelli 35 - - +07 vueltas 17 17 6 0 BRA 254,800
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz R 12 Av Alfa Romeo SpA 14 ARG Juan Manuel Fangio Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 33 - - válvula [PP] 1 1 -11 0 FAN 240,240
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz R 13 Av Piloto privado 42 FRA Philippe Étancelin Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 25 - - cambio 6 6 -7 0 ETA 182,000
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz R 14 Av Scuderia Ferrari 20 FRA Raymond Sommer Ferrari 166F2/50 Pirelli 19 - - amortiguador 13 13 -1 0 SOM 138,320
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz R 15 Ac Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA 8 FRA Eugène Martin Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Dunlop 19 - - accidente 9 9 -6 0 MAR 138,320
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz R 16 Av Scuderia Ferrari 22 ITA Luigi Villoresi Ferrari 125 Pirelli 9 - - transmisión 4 4 -12 0 VIL 65,520
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz R 17 Av Scuderia Ferrari 18 ITA Alberto Ascari Ferrari 125 Pirelli 4 - - circuito de aceite 5 5 -12 0 ASC 29,120
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz R 18 Ac Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA 6 FRA Yves Giraud-Cabantous Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Dunlop 0 - - accidente 7 7 -11 0 GIR 0,000
5 || 05 | XII Grand Prix Automobile de Belgique Q 1 1 Alfa Romeo SpA 8 ITA Giuseppe Farina Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 0 - 4m:37,000s - 1 1 0 0 FAR -
5 || 05 | XII Grand Prix Automobile de Belgique Q 2 2 Alfa Romeo SpA 10 ARG Juan Manuel Fangio Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 0 - 4m:37,000s +0m:00,000s 2 2 0 0 FAN -
5 || 05 | XII Grand Prix Automobile de Belgique Q 3 3 Alfa Romeo SpA 12 ITA Luigi Fagioli Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 0 - 4m:41,000s +0m:04,000s 3 3 0 0 FAG -
5 || 05 | XII Grand Prix Automobile de Belgique Q 4 4 Scuderia Ferrari 2 ITA Luigi Villoresi Ferrari 125 Pirelli 0 - 4m:47,000s +0m:10,000s 4 4 0 0 VIL -
5 || 05 | XII Grand Prix Automobile de Belgique Q 5 5 Piloto privado 6 FRA Raymond Sommer Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 0 - 4m:47,000s +0m:10,000s 5 5 0 0 SOM -
5 || 05 | XII Grand Prix Automobile de Belgique Q 6 6 Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA 16 FRA Philippe Étancelin Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Dunlop 0 - 4m:49,000s +0m:12,000s 6 6 0 0 ETA -
5 || 05 | XII Grand Prix Automobile de Belgique Q 7 7 Scuderia Ferrari 4 ITA Alberto Ascari Ferrari 275 Pirelli 0 - 4m:52,000s +0m:15,000s 7 7 0 0 ASC -
5 || 05 | XII Grand Prix Automobile de Belgique Q 8 8 Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA 14 FRA Louis Rosier Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Dunlop 0 - 4m:53,000s +0m:16,000s 8 8 0 0 ROS -
5 || 05 | XII Grand Prix Automobile de Belgique Q 9 9 Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA 18 FRA Yves Giraud-Cabantous Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Dunlop 0 - 4m:56,000s +0m:19,000s 9 9 0 0 GIR -
5 || 05 | XII Grand Prix Automobile de Belgique Q 10 10 Piloto privado 22 FRA Pierre Levegh Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 0 - 5m:01,000s +0m:24,000s 10 10 0 0 LEV -
5 || 05 | XII Grand Prix Automobile de Belgique Q 11 11 Ecurie Lutetia 20 FRA Eugène Chaboud Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 0 - 5m:13,000s +0m:36,000s 11 11 0 0 CHA -
5 || 05 | XII Grand Prix Automobile de Belgique Q 12 12 Piloto privado 26 GBR Geoff Crossley Alta GP Dunlop 0 - 5m:44,000s +1m:07,000s 12 12 0 0 CROS -
5 || 05 | XII Grand Prix Automobile de Belgique Q 13 13 Piloto privado 30 CHE Antonio Branca Maserati 4CL Pirelli 0 - 5m:45,000s +1m:08,000s 13 13 0 0 BRA -
5 || 05 | XII Grand Prix Automobile de Belgique Q 14 14 Ecurie Belge 24 BEL Johnny Claes Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 0 - sin tiempo - 14 14 0 0 CLA -
5 || 05 | XII Grand Prix Automobile de Belgique VR 1 1 Alfa Romeo SpA 8 ITA Giuseppe Farina Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 18 4m:34,100s - 185,451 km/h - - - 1 FAR -
5 || 05 | XII Grand Prix Automobile de Belgique R 1 1 Alfa Romeo SpA 10 ARG Juan Manuel Fangio Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 35 - - 2h:47m:26,000s [VR] 2 2 1 8 FAN 136,045
5 || 05 | XII Grand Prix Automobile de Belgique R 2 2 Alfa Romeo SpA 12 ITA Luigi Fagioli Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 35 - - +00m:14,000s 3 3 1 6 FAG 136,045
5 || 05 | XII Grand Prix Automobile de Belgique R 3 3 Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA 14 FRA Louis Rosier Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Dunlop 35 - - +02m:19,000s 8 8 5 4 ROS 136,045
5 || 05 | XII Grand Prix Automobile de Belgique R 4 4 Alfa Romeo SpA 8 ITA Giuseppe Farina Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 35 - - +04m:05,000s [PP] 1 1 -3 3 FAR 136,045
5 || 05 | XII Grand Prix Automobile de Belgique R 5 5 Scuderia Ferrari 4 ITA Alberto Ascari Ferrari 275 Pirelli 34 - - +01 vueltas 7 7 2 2 ASC 132,158
5 || 05 | XII Grand Prix Automobile de Belgique R 6 6 Scuderia Ferrari 2 ITA Luigi Villoresi Ferrari 125 Pirelli 33 - - +02 vueltas 4 4 -2 0 VIL 128,271
5 || 05 | XII Grand Prix Automobile de Belgique R 7 7 Piloto privado 22 FRA Pierre Levegh Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 33 - - +02 vueltas 10 10 3 0 LEV 128,271
5 || 05 | XII Grand Prix Automobile de Belgique R 8 8 Ecurie Belge 24 BEL Johnny Claes Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 32 - - +03 vueltas 14 14 6 0 CLA 124,384
5 || 05 | XII Grand Prix Automobile de Belgique R 9 9 Piloto privado 26 GBR Geoff Crossley Alta GP Dunlop 30 - - +05 vueltas 12 12 3 0 CROS 116,610
5 || 05 | XII Grand Prix Automobile de Belgique R 10 10 Piloto privado 30 CHE Antonio Branca Maserati 4CL Pirelli 29 - - +06 vueltas 13 13 3 0 BRA 112,723
5 || 05 | XII Grand Prix Automobile de Belgique R 11 Ac Ecurie Lutetia 20 FRA Eugène Chaboud Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 22 - - manguito de aceite 11 11 0 0 CHA 85,514
5 || 05 | XII Grand Prix Automobile de Belgique R 12 Ac Piloto privado 6 FRA Raymond Sommer Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 20 - - presión de aceite 5 5 -7 0 SOM 77,740
5 || 05 | XII Grand Prix Automobile de Belgique R 13 Ac Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA 16 FRA Philippe Étancelin Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Dunlop 15 - - sobrecalentamiento 6 6 -7 0 ETA 58,305
5 || 05 | XII Grand Prix Automobile de Belgique R 14 Ac Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA 18 FRA Yves Giraud-Cabantous Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Dunlop 2 - - manguito de aceite 9 9 -5 0 GIR 7,774
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. Q 1 1 Alfa Romeo SpA 6 ARG Juan Manuel Fangio Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 0 - 2m:30,600s - 1 1 0 0 FAN -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. Q 2 2 Alfa Romeo SpA 2 ITA Giuseppe Farina Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 0 - 2m:32,500s +0m:01,900s 2 2 0 0 FAR -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. Q 3 3 Alfa Romeo SpA 4 ITA Luigi Fagioli Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 0 - 2m:34,700s +0m:04,100s 3 3 0 0 FAG -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. Q 4 4 Piloto privado 16 FRA Philippe Étancelin Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Dunlop 0 - 2m:39,000s +0m:08,400s 4 4 0 0 ETA -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. Q 5 5 Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA 18 FRA Yves Giraud-Cabantous Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Dunlop 0 - 2m:42,700s +0m:12,100s 5 5 0 0 GIR -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. Q 6 6 Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA 20 FRA Louis Rosier Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Dunlop 0 - 2m:46,000s +0m:15,400s 6 6 0 0 ROS -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. Q 7 7 Officine Alfieri Maserati 28 ITA Franco Rol Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 0 - 2m:46,700s +0m:16,100s 7 7 0 0 ROL -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. Q 8 8 Scuderia Achille Varzi 36 ARG José Froilán González Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 0 - 2m:48,000s +0m:17,400s 8 8 0 0 GON -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. Q 9 9 Piloto privado 22 FRA Pierre Levegh Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 0 - 2m:49,000s +0m:18,400s 9 9 0 0 LEV -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. Q 10 10 Piloto privado 16 FRA Eugène Chaboud Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Dunlop 0 - desconocido desconocido 10 10 - 0 CHA -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. Q 11 11 Scuderia Milano 40 ITA Felice Bonetto Maserati Milano-Speluzzi 4CLT/50 Pirelli 0 - 2m:51,000s +0m:20,400s 11 11 0 0 BON -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. Q 12 12 Scuderia Ambrosiana 32 GBR Reg Parnell Maserati 4CLT/48 Dunlop 0 - 2m:54,000s +0m:23,400s 12 12 0 0 PAR -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. Q 13 13 Equipe Gordini 44 FRA Robert Manzon SIMCA-Gordini T15 Englebert 0 - 2m:55,500s +0m:24,900s 13 13 0 0 MAN -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. Q 14 14 Officine Alfieri Maserati 30 MON Louis Chiron Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 0 - 2m:55,900s +0m:25,300s 14 14 0 0 CHI -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. Q 15 15 Ecurie Belge 42 BEL Johnny Claes Talbot-Lago T26C Englebert 0 - 2m:57,400s +0m:26,800s 15 15 0 0 CLA -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. Q 16 16 Piloto privado 26 FRA Charles Pozzi Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 0 - 2m:58,000s +0m:27,400s 16 16 0 0 POZ -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. Q 17 17 Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA 12 FRA Raymond Sommer Talbot-Lago T26C-GS Dunlop 0 - 2m:59,300s +0m:28,700s 17 17 0 0 SOM -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. Q 18 18 Scuderia Ambrosiana 34 GBR David Hampshire Maserati 4CLT/48 Dunlop 0 - 2m:59,500s +0m:28,900s 18 18 0 0 HAM -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. Q 19 19 Piloto privado 14 GBR Peter Whitehead Ferrari 125 Dunlop 0 - 3m:01,000s +0m:30,400s 19 19 0 0 WHI -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. Q 20 Rt Scuderia Ferrari 10 ITA Alberto Ascari Ferrari 275 Pirelli 0 - - demasiado lento - - - 0 ASC -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. Q 21 Rt Scuderia Ferrari 8 ITA Luigi Villoresi Ferrari 275 Pirelli 0 - - demasiado lento - - - 0 VIL -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. Q 24 Ns Scuderia Ambrosiana 34 GBR David Murray Maserati 4CLT/48 Dunlop 0 - - suplente - - - 0 MUR -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. Q 25 Np Scuderia Achille Varzi 38 ITA Franco Comotti Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 0 - - no se presenta - - - 0 COM -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. VR 1 1 Alfa Romeo SpA 6 ARG Juan Manuel Fangio Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 52 2m:35,600s - 180,833 km/h - - - 1 FAN -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. VR 2 2 Piloto privado 16 FRA Philippe Étancelin Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Dunlop 0 2m:50,400s +0m:14,800s 165,127 km/h - - - 0 ETA -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. VR 3 3 Piloto privado 16 FRA Eugène Chaboud Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Dunlop 0 2m:50,700s +0m:15,100s 164,837 km/h - - - 0 CHA -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. VR 4 4 Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA 20 FRA Louis Rosier Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Dunlop 0 2m:50,900s +0m:15,300s 164,644 km/h - - - 0 ROS -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. VR 5 5 Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA 18 FRA Yves Giraud-Cabantous Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Dunlop 0 2m:52,300s +0m:16,700s 163,306 km/h - - - 0 GIR -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. VR 6 6 Piloto privado 22 FRA Pierre Levegh Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 0 2m:56,600s +0m:21,000s 159,330 km/h - - - 0 LEV -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. VR 7 7 Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA 12 FRA Raymond Sommer Talbot-Lago T26C-GS Dunlop 0 2m:57,300s +0m:21,700s 158,701 km/h - - - 0 SOM -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. VR 8 8 Ecurie Belge 42 BEL Johnny Claes Talbot-Lago T26C Englebert 0 3m:01,900s +0m:26,300s 154,687 km/h - - - 0 CLA -
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. R 1 1 Alfa Romeo SpA 6 ARG Juan Manuel Fangio Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 64 - - 2h:57m:52,800s [PP+VR] 1 1 0 8 FAN 500,224
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. R 2 2 Alfa Romeo SpA 4 ITA Luigi Fagioli Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 64 - - +00m:25,700s 3 3 1 6 FAG 500,224
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. R 3 3 Piloto privado 14 GBR Peter Whitehead Ferrari 125 Dunlop 61 - - +03 vueltas 19 19 16 4 WHI 476,776
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. R 4 4 Equipe Gordini 44 FRA Robert Manzon SIMCA-Gordini T15 Englebert 61 - - +03 vueltas 13 13 9 3 MAN 476,776
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. R 5 5 Piloto privado 16 FRA Philippe Étancelin Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Dunlop 30 - - da relevo a Chaboud 4 4 -1 1 ETA 234,480
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. R 6 5 Piloto privado 16 FRA Eugène Chaboud Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Dunlop 29 - - +05 vueltas - - - 1 CHA 226,664
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. R 7 6 Piloto privado 26 FRA Charles Pozzi Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 28 - - da relevo a Rosier 16 16 9 0 POZ 218,848
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. R 8 6 Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA 26 FRA Louis Rosier Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 28 - - +08 vueltas - - - 0 ROS 218,848
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. R 9 7* Alfa Romeo SpA 2 ITA Giuseppe Farina Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 55 - - bomba de gasolina 2 2 -7 0 FAR 429,880
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. R 10 8 Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA 18 FRA Yves Giraud-Cabantous Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Dunlop 52 - - +12 vueltas 5 5 -5 0 GIR 406,432
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. R 11 Av Piloto privado 22 FRA Pierre Levegh Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 37 - - motor 9 9 -2 0 LEV 289,192
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. R 12 Av Scuderia Milano 40 ITA Felice Bonetto Maserati Milano-Speluzzi 4CLT/50 Pirelli 15 - - motor 11 11 -1 0 BON 117,240
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. R 13 Av Ecurie Belge 42 BEL Johnny Claes Talbot-Lago T26C Englebert 12 - - sobrecalentamiento 15 15 2 0 CLA 93,792
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. R 14 Av Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA 20 FRA Louis Rosier Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Dunlop 11 - - sobrecalentamiento 6 6 -8 0 ROS 85,976
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. R 15 Av Scuderia Ambrosiana 32 GBR Reg Parnell Maserati 4CLT/48 Dunlop 10 - - motor 12 12 -3 0 PAR 78,160
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. R 16 Av Officine Alfieri Maserati 28 ITA Franco Rol Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 7 - - motor 7 7 -9 0 ROL 54,712
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. R 17 Av Officine Alfieri Maserati 30 MON Louis Chiron Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 7 - - motor 14 14 -3 0 CHI 54,712
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. R 18 Av Scuderia Ambrosiana 34 GBR David Hampshire Maserati 4CLT/48 Dunlop 6 - - motor 18 18 0 0 HAM 46,896
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. R 19 Av Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA 12 FRA Raymond Sommer Talbot-Lago T26C-GS Dunlop 5 - - motor 17 17 -2 0 SOM 39,080
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. R 20 Av Scuderia Achille Varzi 36 ARG José Froilán González Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 4 - - motor 8 8 -12 0 GON 31,264
6 || 06 | XXXVII Grand Prix de l'A.C.F. R 21 Ns Ecurie Lutetia 24 FRA Eugène Chaboud Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 0 - - no toma la salida 10 10 -11 0 CHA 0,000
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 1 1 Alfa Romeo SpA 18 ARG Juan Manuel Fangio Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 0 - 1m:58,600s - 1 1 0 0 FAN -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 2 2 Scuderia Ferrari 16 ITA Alberto Ascari Ferrari 375 Pirelli 0 - 1m:58,800s +0m:00,100s 2 2 0 0 ASC -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 3 3 Alfa Romeo SpA 10 ITA Giuseppe Farina Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 0 - 2m:00,200s +0m:01,800s 3 3 0 0 FAR -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 4 4 Alfa Romeo SpA 46 ITA Consalvo Sanesi Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 0 - 2m:00,400s +0m:03,700s 4 4 0 0 SAN -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 5 5 Alfa Romeo SpA 36 ITA Luigi Fagioli Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 0 - 2m:04,000s +0m:05,700s 5 5 0 0 FAG -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 6 6 Scuderia Ferrari 48 ITA Dorino Serafini Ferrari 375 Pirelli 0 - 2m:05,200s +0m:06,800s 6 6 0 0 SER -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 7 7 Alfa Romeo SpA 54 ITA Piero Taruffi Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 0 - 2m:05,800s +0m:07,100s 7 7 0 0 TAR -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 8 8 Piloto privado 12 FRA Raymond Sommer Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 0 - 2m:08,600s +0m:10,000s 8 8 0 0 SOM -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 9 9 Officine Alfieri Maserati 20 ITA Franco Rol Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 0 - 2m:10,000s +0m:11,700s 9 9 0 0 ROL -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 10 10 Equipe Gordini 44 FRA Robert Manzon SIMCA-Gordini T15 Englebert 0 - 2m:12,400s +0m:13,900s 10 10 0 0 MAN -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 11 11 Piloto privado 40 FRA Guy Mairesse Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 0 - 2m:13,200s +0m:14,800s 11 11 0 0 MAI -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 12 12 Equipe Gordini 42 FRA Maurice Trintignant SIMCA-Gordini T15 Englebert 0 - 2m:13,400s +0m:14,900s 12 12 0 0 TRI -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 13 13 Ecurie Rosier 58 FRA Louis Rosier Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 0 - 2m:13,400s +0m:14,900s 13 13 0 0 ROS -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 14 14 Ecurie Rosier 64 FRA Henri Louveau Talbot-Lago T26C-GS Dunlop 0 - 2m:13,800s +0m:15,100s 14 14 0 0 LOU -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 15 15 Enrico Platé 30 THA Birabongse Bhanubandh Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 0 - 2m:14,000s +0m:15,700s 15 15 0 0 BHA -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 16 16 Piloto privado 24 FRA Philippe Étancelin Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 0 - 2m:14,400s +0m:15,900s 16 16 0 0 ETA -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 17 17 Enrico Platé 38 CHE Emmanuel de Graffenried Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 0 - 2m:14,400s +0m:16,100s 17 17 0 0 DEG -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 18 18 Piloto privado 8 GBR Peter Whitehead Ferrari 125 Dunlop 0 - 2m:16,200s +0m:17,800s 18 18 0 0 WHI -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 19 19 Officine Alfieri Maserati 6 MON Louis Chiron Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 0 - 2m:17,200s +0m:18,800s 19 19 0 0 CHI -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 20 20 Piloto privado 56 FRA Pierre Levegh Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 0 - 2m:17,200s +0m:18,800s 20 20 0 0 LEV -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 21 21 Piloto privado 32 GBR Cuth Harrison ERA B R8B Dunlop 0 - 2m:18,400s +0m:19,900s 21 21 0 0 HAR -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 22 22 Ecurie Belge 2 BEL Johnny Claes Talbot-Lago T26C Englebert 0 - 2m:18,600s +0m:20,000s 22 22 0 0 CLA -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 23 23 Scuderia Ambrosiana 50 GBR David Murray Maserati 4CLT/48 Dunlop 0 - 2m:22,000s +0m:23,700s 23 23 0 0 MUR -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 24 24 Piloto privado 22 ITA Clemente Biondetti Ferrari-Jaguar 166I Pirelli 0 - sin tiempo +0m:32,000s 24 24 0 0 BIO -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 25 25 Scuderia Milano 62 ITA Franco Comotti Maserati Milano-Speluzzi 4CLT/50 Pirelli 0 - sin tiempo +0m:35,000s 25 25 0 0 COM -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 26 26 Piloto privado 28 DEU Paul Pietsch Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 0 - sin tiempo +0m:61,900s 26 26 0 0 PIE -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 27 30 Scuderia Milano 52 ITA Felice Bonetto Maserati Milano-Speluzzi 4CLT/50 Pirelli 0 - 2m:19,400s +0m:21,100s 27 - 0 0 BON -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 28 Np Scuderia Ferrari 14 ITA Giovanni Bracco Ferrari 125 Pirelli 0 - - no presentado 28 - 0 0 BRA -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 29 Np Scuderia Ambrosiana 26 GBR Reg Parnell Maserati 4CLT/48 Dunlop 0 - - no presentado 29 - 0 0 PAR -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 30 Np Enrico Platé 34 ITA Luigi Platé Talbot 700 Pirelli 0 - - no presentado 30 - 0 0 PLA -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 33 33 Piloto privado 20 ITA Luigi de Filippis Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 0 - - no participa 33 - 0 0 DEF -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia Q 34 34 Enrico Platé 66 ITA Franco Bordoni Talbot-Darracq 700 Pirelli 0 - - no participa 34 - 0 0 BOR -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia VR 1 1 Alfa Romeo SpA 18 ARG Juan Manuel Fangio Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 7 2m:00,000s - 189,000 km/h - - - 1 FAN -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia VR 2 2 Equipe Gordini 42 FRA Maurice Trintignant SIMCA-Gordini T15 Englebert 0 2m:10,200s +0m:10,200s 174,194 km/h - - - 0 TRI -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia VR 3 3 Piloto privado 12 FRA Raymond Sommer Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 37 2m:10,200s +0m:10,200s 174,194 km/h - - - 0 SOM -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia VR 4 4 Ecurie Rosier 58 FRA Louis Rosier Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 61 2m:13,100s +0m:13,100s 170,398 km/h - - - 0 ROS -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia VR 5 5 Piloto privado 24 FRA Philippe Étancelin Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 65 2m:13,300s +0m:13,300s 170,143 km/h - - - 0 ETA -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia VR 6 6 Ecurie Rosier 64 FRA Henri Louveau Talbot-Lago T26C-GS Dunlop 5 2m:15,000s +0m:15,000s 168,000 km/h - - - 0 LOU -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia VR 7 7 Piloto privado 56 FRA Pierre Levegh Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 7 2m:15,300s +0m:15,300s 167,637 km/h - - - 0 LEV -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia VR 8 8 Ecurie Belge 2 BEL Johnny Claes Talbot-Lago T26C Englebert 20 2m:19,000s +0m:19,000s 163,165 km/h - - - 0 CLA -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia VR 9 9 Enrico Platé 30 THA Birabongse Bhanubandh Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 1 2m:22,000s +0m:22,000s 159,718 km/h - - - 0 BHA -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia VR 10 10 Piloto privado 40 FRA Guy Mairesse Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 37 2m:22,000s +0m:22,000s 159,718 km/h - - - 0 MAI -
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia R 1 1 Alfa Romeo SpA 10 ITA Giuseppe Farina Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 80 - - 2h:51m:17,400s 3 3 2 8 FAR 502,400
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia R 2 2 Scuderia Ferrari 48 ITA Dorino Serafini Ferrari 375 Pirelli 47 - - (Coche compartido) Ascari 6 6 4 3 SER 295,160
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia R 2 2 Scuderia Ferrari 48 ITA Alberto Ascari Ferrari 375 Pirelli 33 - - (Coche compartido) '+01m:18,600s - - - 3 ASC 207,240
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia R 3 3 Alfa Romeo SpA 36 ITA Luigi Fagioli Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 80 - - +01m:35,600s 5 5 2 4 FAG 502,400
0 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia R 3 3 Alfa Romeo SpA 36 ITA Luigi Fagioli Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 0 - - reducción puntos por SP - - - -4 FAG 0,000
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia R 4 4 Ecurie Rosier 58 FRA Louis Rosier Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 75 - - +05 vueltas 13 13 9 3 ROS 471,000
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia R 5 5 Piloto privado 24 FRA Philippe Étancelin Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 75 - - +05 vueltas 16 16 11 2 ETA 471,000
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia R 6 6 Enrico Platé 38 CHE Emmanuel de Graffenried Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 72 - - +08 vueltas 17 17 11 0 DEG 452,160
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia R 7 7 Piloto privado 8 GBR Peter Whitehead Ferrari 125 Dunlop 72 - - +08 vueltas 18 18 11 0 WHI 452,160
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia R 8 Av Scuderia Ambrosiana 50 GBR David Murray Maserati 4CLT/48 Dunlop 56 - - cambio de marchas 23 23 15 0 MUR 351,680
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia R 9 Av Piloto privado 32 GBR Cuth Harrison ERA B R8B Dunlop 51 - - radiador 21 21 12 0 HAR 320,280
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia R 10 Av Piloto privado 12 FRA Raymond Sommer Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 48 - - cambio de marchas 8 8 -2 0 SOM 301,440
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia R 11 Av Piloto privado 40 FRA Guy Mairesse Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 42 - - manguito de aceite 11 11 0 0 MAI 263,760
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia R 12 Av Piloto privado 20 ITA Franco Rol Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 39 - - motor 9 9 -3 0 ROL 244,920
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia R 13 Av Alfa Romeo SpA 54 ITA Piero Taruffi Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 25 - - (Coche compartido) Fangio 7 7 -6 0 TAR 157,000
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia R 13 Av Alfa Romeo SpA 54 ARG Juan Manuel Fangio Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 9 - - (Coche compartido) válvulas - - - 0 FAN 56,520
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia R 14 Av Piloto privado 56 FRA Pierre Levegh Talbot-Lago T26C Dunlop 29 - - cambio de marchas 20 20 6 0 LEV 182,120
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia R 15 Av Alfa Romeo SpA 18 ARG Juan Manuel Fangio Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 23 - - cambio de marchas [PP+VR] 1 1 -14 0 FAN 144,440
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia R 16 Av Ecurie Belge 2 BEL Johnny Claes Talbot-Lago T26C Englebert 22 - - sobrecalentamiento 22 22 6 0 CLA 138,160
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia R 17 Av Scuderia Ferrari 16 ITA Alberto Ascari Ferrari 375 Pirelli 21 - - motor 2 2 -15 0 ASC 131,880
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia R 18 Av Officine Alfieri Maserati 22 ITA Clemente Biondetti Ferrari-Jaguar 166I Pirelli 17 - - motor 24 24 6 0 BIO 106,760
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia R 19 Av Ecurie Rosier 64 FRA Henri Louveau Talbot-Lago T26C-GS Dunlop 16 - - frenos 14 14 -5 0 LOU 100,480
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia R 20 Av Scuderia Milano 62 ITA Franco Comotti Maserati Milano-Speluzzi 4CLT/50 Pirelli 15 - - motor 25 25 5 0 COM 94,200
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia R 21 Av Officine Alfieri Maserati 6 MON Louis Chiron Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 13 - - presión de aceite 19 19 -2 0 CHI 81,640
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia R 22 Av Equipe Gordini 42 FRA Maurice Trintignant SIMCA-Gordini T15 Englebert 13 - - manguito de agua 12 12 -10 0 TRI 81,640
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia R 23 Av Alfa Romeo SpA 46 ITA Consalvo Sanesi Alfa Romeo 158 Pirelli 11 - - motor 4 4 -19 0 SAN 69,080
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia R 24 Av Equipe Gordini 44 FRA Robert Manzon SIMCA-Gordini T15 Englebert 7 - - transmisión 10 10 -14 0 MAN 43,960
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia R 25 Av Enrico Platé 30 THA Birabongse Bhanubandh Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 1 - - motor 15 15 -10 0 BHA 6,280
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia R 26 Av Piloto privado 28 DEU Paul Pietsch Maserati 4CLT/48 Pirelli 0 - - motor 26 26 0 0 PIE 0,000
7 || 07 | 21º Gran Premio d'Italia R 27 Ns Scuderia Milano 52 ITA Felice Bonetto Maserati Milano-Speluzzi 4CLT/50 Pirelli 0 - - no toma la salida 27 27 0 0 BON 0,000

– Raymond Mays cancela su inscripción en el Gran Premio antes de los entrenamientos

GP Sesión
GP Gran Premio Sesión POS RES País Piloto Coche Escudería Neum. V Q1 Tiempo Gap #Pos # Dif Puntos Piloto KM
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 1 1 2 ITA Giuseppe Farina Alfa Romeo 158 Alfa Romeo SpA Pirelli 0 - 1m:50,800s - 1 1 0 0 FAR -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 2 2 3 ITA Luigi Fagioli Alfa Romeo 158 Alfa Romeo SpA Pirelli 0 - 1m:51,000s +0m:00,200s 2 2 0 0 FAG -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 3 3 1 ARG Juan Manuel Fangio Alfa Romeo 158 Alfa Romeo SpA Pirelli 0 - 1m:51,200s +0m:00,400s 3 3 0 0 FAN -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 4 4 4 GBR Reg Parnell Alfa Romeo 158 Alfa Romeo SpA Pirelli 0 - 1m:52,200s +0m:01,400s 4 4 0 0 PAR -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 5 5 21 THA Birabongse Bhanubandh Maserati 4CLT/48 Enrico Platé Pirelli 0 - 1m:52,600s +0m:01,800s 5 5 0 0 BHA -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 6 6 14 FRA Yves Giraud-Cabantous Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA Dunlop 0 - 1m:53,400s +0m:02,600s 6 6 0 0 GIR -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 7 7 17 FRA Eugène Martin Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA Dunlop 0 - 1m:55,400s +0m:04,600s 7 7 0 0 MAR -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 8 8 20 CHE Emmanuel de Graffenried Maserati 4CLT/48 Enrico Platé Pirelli 0 - 1m:55,800s +0m:05,000s 8 8 0 0 DEG -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 9 9 15 FRA Louis Rosier Talbot-Lago T26C Ecurie Rosier Dunlop 0 - 1m:56,000s +0m:05,200s 9 9 0 0 ROS -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 10 10 9 GBR Peter Walker ERA E-Type GP-2 Piloto privado Dunlop 0 - 1m:56,600s +0m:05,800s 10 10 0 0 WAL -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 11 11 19 MON Louis Chiron Maserati 4CLT/48 Officine Alfieri Maserati Pirelli 0 - 1m:56,600s +0m:05,800s 11 11 0 0 CHI -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 12 12 8 GBR Leslie Johnson ERA E-Type GP-2 ERA Ltd. Dunlop 0 - 1m:57,400s +0m:06,600s 12 12 0 0 JOH -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 13 13 12 GBR Bob Gerard ERA B-Type Piloto privado Dunlop 0 - 1m:57,400s +0m:06,600s 13 13 0 0 GER -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 14 14 16 FRA Philippe Étancelin Talbot-Lago T26C Piloto privado Dunlop 0 - 1m:57,800s +0m:07,000s 14 14 0 0 ETA -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 15 15 11 GBR Cuth Harrison ERA B-Type Piloto privado Dunlop 0 - 1m:58,400s +0m:07,600s 15 15 0 0 HAR -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 16 16 6 GBR David Hampshire Maserati 4CLT/48 Scuderia Ambrosiana Dunlop 0 - 2m:01,000s +0m:10,200s 16 16 0 0 HAM -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 17 17 24 GBR Geoff Crossley Alta GP Piloto privado Dunlop 0 - 2m:02,600s +0m:11,800s 17 17 0 0 CROS -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 18 18 5 GBR David Murray Maserati 4CLT/48 Scuderia Ambrosiana Dunlop 0 - 2m:05,600s +0m:14,800s 18 18 0 0 MUR -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 19 19 23 IRL Joe Kelly Alta GP Piloto privado Dunlop 0 - 2m:06,200s +0m:15,400s 19 19 0 0 KEL -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 20 20 10 GBR Joe Fry Maserati 4CL Piloto privado Dunlop 0 - 2m:07,000s +0m:16,200s 20 20 0 0 FRY -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 21 21 18 BEL Johnny Claes Talbot-Lago T26C Ecurie Belge Englebert 0 - 2m:08,800s +0m:18,000s 21 21 0 0 CLA -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 22 22 10 GBR Brian Shawe-Taylor Maserati 4CL Piloto privado Dunlop 0 - sin tiempo - 22 - 0 0 SHA -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 23 23 9 GBR Tony Rolt ERA E-Type GP-2 Piloto privado Dunlop 0 - sin tiempo - 23 - 0 0 ROL -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 24 Su 3 ITA Gianbattista Guidotti Alfa Romeo 158 Alfa Romeo SpA Pirelli 0 - - suplente 24 - 0 0 GUI -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 25 Np 22 ITA Felice Bonetto Maserati Milano-Speluzzi 4CLT/50 Scuderia Milano Pirelli 0 - - no presentado 25 - 0 0 BON -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 Q 26 Np 26 GBR Raymond Mays ERA D-Type Piloto privado Dunlop 0 - - cancela inscripción 26 - 0 0 MAY -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 VR 1 1 2 ITA Giuseppe Farina Alfa Romeo 158 Alfa Romeo SpA Pirelli 2 1m:50,600s - 151,324 km/h - - - 1 FAR -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 VR 2 2 14 FRA Yves Giraud-Cabantous Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA Dunlop 41 1m:53,400s +0m:02,800s 147,587 km/h - - - 0 GIR -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 VR 3 3 15 FRA Louis Rosier Talbot-Lago T26C Ecurie Rosier Dunlop 10 1m:55,400s +0m:04,800s 145,029 km/h - - - 0 ROS -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 VR 4 4 16 FRA Philippe Étancelin Talbot-Lago T26C Piloto privado Dunlop 31 1m:57,400s +0m:06,800s 142,559 km/h - - - 0 ETA -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 VR 5 5 18 BEL Johnny Claes Talbot-Lago T26C Ecurie Belge Englebert 29 2m:08,800s +0m:18,200s 129,941 km/h - - - 0 CLA -
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 1 1 2 ITA Giuseppe Farina Alfa Romeo 158 Alfa Romeo SpA Pirelli 70 - - 2h:13m:23,600s [PP+VR] 1 1 0 8 FAR 325,430
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 2 2 3 ITA Luigi Fagioli Alfa Romeo 158 Alfa Romeo SpA Pirelli 70 - - +00m:02,600s 2 2 0 6 FAG 325,430
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 3 3 4 GBR Reg Parnell Alfa Romeo 158 Alfa Romeo SpA Pirelli 70 - - +00m:52,000s 4 4 1 4 PAR 325,430
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 4 4 14 FRA Yves Giraud-Cabantous Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA Dunlop 68 - - +2 vueltas 6 6 2 3 GIR 316,132
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 5 5 15 FRA Louis Rosier Talbot-Lago T26C Ecurie Rosier Dunlop 68 - - +2 vueltas 9 9 4 2 ROS 316,132
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 6 6 12 GBR Bob Gerard ERA B-Type Piloto privado Dunlop 67 - - +3 vueltas 13 13 7 0 GER 311,483
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 7 7 11 GBR Cuth Harrison ERA B-Type Piloto privado Dunlop 67 - - +3 vueltas 15 15 8 0 HAR 311,483
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 8 8 16 FRA Philippe Étancelin Talbot-Lago T26C Piloto privado Dunlop 65 - - +5 vueltas 14 14 6 0 ETA 302,185
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 9 9 6 GBR David Hampshire Maserati 4CLT/48 Scuderia Ambrosiana Dunlop 64 - - +6 vueltas 16 16 7 0 HAM 297,536
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 10 10 10 GBR Joe Fry Maserati 4CL Piloto privado Dunlop 45 - - coche compartido 20 20 10 0 FRY 209,205
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 11 10 10 GBR Brian Shawe-Taylor Maserati 4CL Piloto privado Dunlop 19 - - +6 vueltas 22 - 11 0 SHA 88,331
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 12 11 18 BEL Johnny Claes Talbot-Lago T26C Ecurie Belge Englebert 64 - - +6 vueltas 21 21 9 0 CLA 297,536
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 13 Av 1 ARG Juan Manuel Fangio Alfa Romeo 158 Alfa Romeo SpA Pirelli 62 - - fuga de aceite 3 3 -10 0 FAN 288,238
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 14 Nc 23 IRL Joe Kelly Alta GP Piloto privado Dunlop 57 - - +13 v. (distancia insuficiente) 19 19 5 0 KEL 264,993
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 15 Av 21 THA Birabongse Bhanubandh Maserati 4CLT/48 Enrico Platé Pirelli 49 - - alimentación de combustible 5 5 -10 0 BHA 227,801
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 16 Av 5 GBR David Murray Maserati 4CLT/48 Scuderia Ambrosiana Dunlop 44 - - motor 18 18 2 0 MUR 204,556
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 17 Av 24 GBR Geoff Crossley Alta GP Piloto privado Dunlop 43 - - transmisión 17 17 0 0 CROS 199,907
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 18 Av 20 CHE Emmanuel de Graffenried Maserati 4CLT/48 Enrico Platé Pirelli 36 - - biela 8 8 -10 0 DEG 167,364
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 19 Av 19 MON Louis Chiron Maserati 4CLT/48 Officine Alfieri Maserati Pirelli 24 - - embrague 11 11 -8 0 CHI 111,576
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 20 Av 17 FRA Eugène Martin Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA Dunlop 8 - - presión de aceite 7 7 -13 0 MAR 37,192
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 21 Av 9 GBR Peter Walker ERA E-Type GP-2 Piloto privado Dunlop 2 - - coche compartido 10 10 -11 0 WAL 9,298
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 22 Av 9 GBR Tony Rolt ERA E-Type GP-2 Piloto privado Dunlop 3 - - cambio 23 - 1 0 ROL 13,947
1 || 01 | V R.A.C. British Grand Prix 1950 R 23 Av 8 GBR Leslie Johnson ERA E-Type GP-2 ERA Ltd Dunlop 2 - - compresor 12 12 -11 0 JOH 9,298
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 1 1 34 ARG Juan Manuel Fangio Alfa Romeo 158 Alfa Romeo SpA Pirelli 0 - 1m:50,200s - 1 1 0 0 FAN -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 2 2 32 ITA Giuseppe Farina Alfa Romeo 158 Alfa Romeo SpA Pirelli 0 - 1m:52,800s +0m:02,600s 2 2 0 0 FAR -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 3 3 2 ARG José Froilán González Maserati 4CLT/48 Scuderia Achille Varzi Pirelli 0 - 1m:57,300s +0m:03,500s 3 3 0 0 GON -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 4 4 14 FRA Philippe Étancelin Talbot-Lago T26C Piloto privado Dunlop 0 - 1m:54,100s +0m:03,900s 4 4 0 0 ETA -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 5 5 36 ITA Luigi Fagioli Alfa Romeo 158 Alfa Romeo SpA Pirelli 0 - 1m:54,200s +0m:04,000s 5 5 0 0 FAG -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 6 6 38 ITA Luigi Villoresi Ferrari 125 Scuderia Ferrari Pirelli 0 - 1m:52,300s +0m:02,100s 6 6 0 0 VIL -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 7 7 40 ITA Alberto Ascari Ferrari 125 Scuderia Ferrari Pirelli 0 - 1m:53,800s +0m:03,600s 7 7 0 0 ASC -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 8 8 48 MON Louis Chiron Maserati 4CLT/48 Officine Alfieri Maserati Pirelli 0 - 1m:56,300s +0m:06,100s 8 8 0 0 CHI -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 9 9 42 FRA Raymond Sommer Ferrari 125 Scuderia Ferrari Pirelli 0 - 1m:56,600s +0m:06,400s 9 9 0 0 SOM -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 10 10 16 FRA Louis Rosier Talbot-Lago T26C Ecurie Rosier Dunlop 0 - 1m:57,700s +0m:07,500s 10 10 0 0 ROS -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 11 11 10 FRA Robert Manzon SIMCA-Gordini T15 Equipe Gordini Englebert 0 - 2m:04,000s +0m:10,200s 11 11 0 0 MAN -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 12 12 52 CHE Emmanuel de Graffenried Maserati 4CLT/48 Enrico Platé Pirelli 0 - 2m:00,700s +0m:10,500s 12 12 0 0 DEG -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 13 13 12 FRA Maurice Trintignant SIMCA-Gordini T15 Equipe Gordini Englebert 0 - 2m:19,400s +0m:11,200s 13 13 0 0 TRI -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 14 14 24 GBR Cuth Harrison ERA B Piloto privado Dunlop 0 - 2m:01,600s +0m:11,400s 14 14 0 0 HAR -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 15 15 50 THA Birabongse Bhanubandh Maserati 4CLT/48 Enrico Platé Pirelli 0 - 2m:02,200s +0m:12,000s 15 15 0 0 BHA -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 16 16 26 GBR Bob Gerard ERA A Piloto privado Dunlop 0 - 2m:03,400s +0m:13,200s 16 16 0 0 GER -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 17 17 44 ITA Franco Rol Maserati 4CLT/48 Officine Alfieri Maserati Pirelli 0 - 2m:04,500s +0m:14,300s 17 17 0 0 ROL -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 18 Ac 4 ARG Alfredo Piàn Maserati 4CLT/48 Scuderia Achille Varzi Pirelli 0 - sin tiempo accidente en entrenamientos 18 18 0 0 PIA -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 19 19 6 BEL Johnny Claes Talbot-Lago T26C Ecurie Belge Dunlop 0 - 2m:12,000s +0m:21,800s 19 19 0 0 CLA -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 20 20 8 USA Harry Schell Cooper-JAP Horschell Racing Corp Dunlop 0 - sin tiempo - 20 20 0 0 SCH -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 21 21 28 GBR Peter Whitehead Ferrari 125 Piloto privado Dunlop 0 - sin tiempo - 21 21 0 0 WHI -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 22 Np 18 FRA Charles Pozzi Talbot-Lago T26C Ecurie Rosier Dunlop 0 - - no presentado 19 - -3 0 POZ -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 23 Np 20 FRA Yves Giraud-Cabantous Talbot-Lago T26C Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA Dunlop 0 - - no presentado 20 - -3 0 GIR -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 24 Np 22 FRA Pierre Levegh Talbot-Lago T26C Piloto privado Dunlop 0 - - no presentado 21 - -3 0 LEV -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 25 Np 46 ITA Clemente Biondetti Maserati 4CLT/50 Scuderia Milano Pirelli 0 - - coche no disponible 22 - -3 0 BIO -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco Q 26 Np 54 FRA André Simon SIMCA-Gordini T15 Equipe Gordini Dunlop 0 - - inscripción cancelada 23 - -3 0 SIM -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco VR 1 1 34 ARG Juan Manuel Fangio Alfa Romeo 158 Alfa Romeo SpA Pirelli 0 1m:51,000s - 103,135 km/h - - - 1 FAN -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco VR 2 2 14 FRA Philippe Étancelin Talbot-Lago T26C Piloto privado Dunlop 0 1m:57,900s +06,900s 97,099 km/h - - - 0 ETA -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco VR 3 3 6 BEL Johnny Claes Talbot-Lago T26C Ecurie Belge Englebert 0 2m:00,200s +09,200s 95,241 km/h - - - 0 CLA -
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 1 1 34 ARG Juan Manuel Fangio Alfa Romeo 158 Alfa Romeo SpA Pirelli 100 - - 3h:13m:18,7s [PP+VR+GC] 1 1 0 8 FAN 318,000
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 2 2 40 ITA Alberto Ascari Ferrari 125 Scuderia Ferrari Pirelli 99 - - +01 vueltas 7 7 5 6 ASC 314,820
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 3 3 48 MON Louis Chiron Maserati 4CLT/48 Officine Alfieri Maserati Pirelli 98 - - +02 vueltas 8 8 5 4 CHI 311,640
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 4 4 42 FRA Raymond Sommer Ferrari 125 Scuderia Ferrari Pirelli 97 - - +03 vueltas 9 9 5 3 SOM 308,460
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 5 5 50 THA Birabongse Bhanubandh Maserati 4CLT/48 Enrico Platé Pirelli 95 - - +05 vueltas 15 15 10 2 BHA 302,100
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 6 6 26 GBR Bob Gerard ERA A Piloto privado Dunlop 94 - - +06 vueltas 16 16 10 0 GER 298,920
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 7 7 6 BEL Johnny Claes Talbot-Lago T26C Ecurie Belge Englebert 94 - - +06 vueltas 19 19 12 0 CLA 298,920
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 8 Av 38 ITA Luigi Villoresi Ferrari 125 Scuderia Ferrari Pirelli 63 - - transmisión 6 6 -2 0 VIL 200,340
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 9 Av 14 FRA Philippe Étancelin Talbot-Lago T26C Piloto privado Dunlop 38 - - fuga de aceite 4 4 -5 0 ETA 120,840
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 10 Ac 2 ARG José Froilán González Maserati 4CLT/48 Scuderia Achille Varzi Pirelli 1 - - fuego 3 3 -7 0 GON 3,180
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 11 Ac 32 ITA Giuseppe Farina Alfa Romeo 158 Alfa Romeo SpA Pirelli 0 - - accidente 2 2 -9 0 FAR 0,000
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 12 Ac 36 ITA Luigi Fagioli Alfa Romeo 158 Alfa Romeo SpA Pirelli 0 - - accidente 5 5 -7 0 FAG 0,000
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 13 Ac 16 FRA Louis Rosier Talbot-Lago T26C Ecurie Rosier Dunlop 0 - - accidente 10 10 -3 0 ROS 0,000
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 14 Ac 10 FRA Robert Manzon SIMCA-Gordini T15 Equipe Gordini Englebert 0 - - accidente 11 11 -3 0 MAN 0,000
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 15 Ac 52 CHE Emmanuel de Graffenried Maserati 4CLT/48 Enrico Platé Pirelli 0 - - accidente 12 12 -3 0 DEG 0,000
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 16 Ac 12 FRA Maurice Trintignant SIMCA-Gordini T15 Equipe Gordini Englebert 0 - - accidente 13 13 -3 0 TRI 0,000
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 17 Ac 24 GBR Cuth Harrison ERA B Piloto privado Dunlop 0 - - accidente 14 14 -3 0 HAR 0,000
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 18 Ac 44 ITA Franco Rol Maserati 4CLT/48 Officine Alfieri Maserati Pirelli 0 - - accidente 17 17 -1 0 ROL 0,000
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 19 Ac 8 USA Harry Schell Cooper-JAP Horschell Racing Corp Dunlop 0 - - colisión 20 20 1 0 SCH 0,000
2 || 02 | XI Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco R 20 Ns 28 GBR Peter Whitehead Ferrari 125 Piloto privado Dunlop 0 - - motor 21 21 1 0 WHI 0,000
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 1 1 98 USA Walt Faulkner Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser 2000 Grant Piston Ring/Agajanian Firestone 1 - 04m:27,970s - 1 1 0 0 FAU -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 2 2 28 USA Fred Agabashian Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Wynn's Friction / Kurtis-Kraft Firestone 1 - 04m:31,100s - 2 2 0 0 AGA -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 3 3 31 USA Mauri Rose Deidt-Offenhauser Tuffanelli Derrico Offenhauser/Howard Keck Firestone 1 - 04m:32,070s - 3 3 0 0 ROS -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 4 4 5 USA George Connor Lesovsky-Offenhauser Blue Crown Spark Plug/Moore Firestone 1 - 04m:32,390s - 4 4 0 0 CON -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 5 5 1 USA Johnnie Parsons Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Wynn's Friction / Kurtis-Kraft Firestone 1 - 04m:32,430s - 5 5 0 0 PAR -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 6 6 49 USA Jack McGrath Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Jack Hinkle Firestone 1 - 04m:33,000s - 6 6 0 0 MCG -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 7 7 69 USA Duke Dinsmore Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Brown Motors Firestone 1 - 04m:34,670s - 7 7 0 0 DIN -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 8 8 14 USA Tony Bettenhausen Deidt-Offenhauser Blue Crown Spark Plug/Moore Firestone 1 - 04m:34,920s - 8 8 0 0 BET -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 9 9 17 USA Joie Chitwood Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Ervin Wolfe Firestone 1 - 04m:35,320s - 9 9 0 0 CHI -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 10 10 3 USA Bill Holland Deidt-Offenhauser Blue Crown Spark Plug/Moore Firestone 1 - 04m:35,900s - 10 10 0 0 HOL -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 11 11 59 USA Pat Flaherty Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Granatelli-Sabourin/Grancor Firestone 1 - 04m:37,760s - 11 11 0 0 FLA -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 12 12 54 USA Cecil Green Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser John Zink/M.A. Walker Firestone 2 - 04m:30,860s - 12 12 0 0 GRE -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 13 13 18 USA Duane Carter Stevens-Offenhauser Murrell Belanger Firestone 2 - 04m:33,420s - 13 13 0 0 CAR -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 14 14 21 USA Spider Webb Maserati-Offenhauser 8CTF Fadely-Anderson/R.A. Cott Firestone 2 - 04m:37,460s - 14 14 0 0 WEB -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 15 15 81 USA Jerry Hoyt Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Ludson Morris Firestone 2 - 04m:37,950s - 15 15 0 0 HOY -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 16 16 2 USA Myron Fohr Marchese-Offenhauser Bardahl/Carl Marchese Firestone 3 - 04m:33,320s - 16 16 0 0 FOH -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 17 17 24 USA Bayliss Levrett Adams-Offenhauser Richard Palmer Firestone 3 - 04m:34,430s - 17 17 0 0 LEV -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 18 18 45 USA Dick Rathmann Watson-Offenhauser Indy Roadster City of Glendale/A.J. Watson Firestone 3 - 04m:34,960s - 18 18 0 0 RAT -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 19 19 7 USA Paul Russo Nichels-Offenhauser Paul Russo & Ray Nichels Firestone 3 - 04m:35,250s - 19 19 0 0 RUS -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 20 20 4 USA Walt Brown Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Tuffy's Offy Firestone 3 - 04m:35,960s - 20 20 0 0 BRO -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 21 21 12 USA Henry Banks Maserati-Offenhauser 8CTF Indianapolis Race Cars Firestone 3 - 04m:37,680s - 21 21 0 0 BAN -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 22 22 67 USA Bill Schindler Snowberger-Offenhauser Automobile Shippers/Rassey Firestone 4 - 04m:31,310s - 22 22 0 0 SCH -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 23 23 8 USA Lee Wallard Moore-Offenhauser Blue Crown Spark Plug/Moore Firestone 4 - 04m:31,830s - 23 23 0 0 WAL -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 24 24 55 USA Troy Ruttman Lesovsky-Offenhauser Bowes Seal Fast Racing Firestone 4 - 04m:32,910s - 24 24 0 0 RUT -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 25 25 23 USA Sam Hanks Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Merz Engineering/Milt Marion Firestone 4 - 04m:33,570s - 25 25 0 0 HAN -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 26 26 15 USA Mack Hellings Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Tuffy's Offy Firestone 4 - 04m:35,320s - 26 26 0 0 HEL -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 27 27 22 USA Jimmy Davies Ewing-Offenhauser Pat Clancy Firestone 4 - 04m:36,070s - 27 27 0 0 DAV -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 28 28 76 USA Jim Rathmann Wetteroth-Offenhauser Pioneer Auto Repair/Lorenz Firestone 4 - 04m:37,010s - 28 28 0 0 RAT -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 29 29 27 USA Walt Ader Rae-Offenhauser Sampson Manufacturing Firestone 4 - 04m:37,050s - 29 29 0 0 ADE -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 30 30 77 USA Jackie Holmes Olson-Offenhauser Special Norm Olson Firestone 4 - 04m:37,570s - 30 30 0 0 HOL -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 31 31 75 USA Gene Hartley Langley-Offenhauser Troy Oil / Joe Langley Firestone 4 - 04m:38,610s - 31 31 0 0 HAR -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 32 32 61 USA Jimmy Jackson Kurtis Kraft-Cummins Cummins Diesel Firestone 4 - 04m:38,620s - 32 32 0 0 JAC -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 33 33 62 USA Johnny McDowell Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Peter Wales Trucking Firestone 5 - 04m:37,580s - 33 33 0 0 MCD -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 34 Nq 66 USA Cliff Griffith Miller-Offenhauser Tom Sarafoff Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 GRI -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 35 Nq 9 USA Andy Linden Bromme-Offenhauser Bruce & Louis Bromme Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 LIN -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 36 Nq 9 USA Bud Rose Bromme-Offenhauser Bruce & Louis Bromme Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 ROS -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 37 Nq 10 USA Hal Cole Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser 2000 Tuffy's Offy Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 COL -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 38 Nq 10 USA Bill Vukovich Maserati 8CTF Indianapolis Race Cars Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 VUK -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 39 Nq 16 USA Ted Duncan Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Tuffy's Offy Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 DUN -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 40 Nq 19 USA Ralph Pratt Bardazon-Offenhauser Lutes Truck Parts Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 PRA -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 41 Nq 19 USA Kenny Eaton Bardazon-Offenhauser Lutes Truck Parts Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 EAT -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 42 Nq 25 USA Johnny Mauro Alfa Romeo 8C-308 Johnny Mauro Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 MAU -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 43 Nq 26 USA George Fonder Deidt-Sparks Tuffanelli Derrico Ray Brady Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 FON -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 44 Nq 29 BEL Charles Van Acker Stevens-Offenhauser Redmer Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 VAN -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 45 Nq 33 USA Joel Thorne Kurtis Kraft-Sparks Thorne Engineering Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 THO -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 46 Nq 34 USA Johnny Fedricks Kupiec-Offenhauser Thomas Kupiec Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 FED -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 47 Nq 36 USA George Lynch Snowberger-Offenhauser Auto Shippers Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 LYN -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 48 Nq 38 USA Duke Nalon Kurtis Kraft-Novi Novi Mobil Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 NAL -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 49 Nq 39 USA Danny Kladis Maserati 8CTF Federal Engineering Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 KLA -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 50 Nq 41 USA Milt Fankhouser Stevens-Offenhauser Karl Hall Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 FAN -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 51 Nq 43 USA Chet Miller Kurtis Kraft-Novi Novi Mobil Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 MIL -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 52 Nq 44 USA Bill Cantrell Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Bowes Seal Fast Racing Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 CAN -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 53 Nq 47 USA Ralph Pratt Gdula-Offenhauser Ed Gdula Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 PRA -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 54 Nq 51 USA Mark Light Stevens-Offenhauser Lee Glessner Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 LIG -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 55 Nq 52 USA Mark Light Meyer-Offenhauser Meyer & Iddings Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 LIG -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 56 Nq 52 USA Dick Frazier Meyer-Offenhauser Meyer & Iddings Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 FRA -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 57 Nq 58 USA Billy Devore Scopa-Offenhauser Joe Scopa Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 DEV -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 58 Nq 63 USA Joe James Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser 2000 Esmeralda / Leo Dobry Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 JAM -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 59 Nq 63 USA Bob Gregg Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser 2000 Esmeralda / Leo Dobry Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 GREG -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 60 Nq 64 USA Bob Sweikert Wetteroth-Offenhauser Ray Carter Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 SWE -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 61 Nq 65 USA Marvin Burke Kurtis Kraft-Duray Ross Page Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 BUR -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 62 Nq 65 USA Norm Houser Kurtis Kraft-Duray Ross Page Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 HOU -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 63 Nq 74 USA Carl Forberg Miller-Offenhauser Jewell Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 FOR -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 64 Nq 78 USA Cy Marshall R Miller Vulcan Tool Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 MAR -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 65 Nq 79 USA Chuck Leighton Cantarano-Wayne Cannonball Cantarano Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 LEI -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 66 Nq 82 USA Joe James Weidel-Mercury V8 Bob Estes Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 JAM -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 67 Nq 83 USA Al Miller Miller RE4D Trainor Auto Parts Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 MIL -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 68 Nq 84 USA Mike Burch Maserati 8CTF George Hoster Inc. Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 BUR -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 69 Nq 85 USA Manuel Ayulo Maserati-Offenhauser 8CTF Coast Grain Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 AYU -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 70 Nq 85 USA Jim Rigsby Maserati-Offenhauser 8CTF Coast Grain Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 RIG -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 71 Nq 87 USA Bill Vukovich Rounds Rocket-Offenhauser Special REC / NJ Rounds Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 VUK -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 72 Nq 99 USA Emil Andres Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Murrell Belanger Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 AND -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 73 Nq 99 USA Kenny Eaton Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Murrell Belanger Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 EAT -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis Q 76 Nq 24 USA Bill Cantrell Adams-Offenhauser Richard Palmer Firestone 0 - - - - - - 0 CAN -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis VR 1 1 1 USA Johnnie Parsons Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Wynn's Friction / Kurtis-Kraft Firestone 0 1m:09,770s - 207,579 km/h - - - 1 PAR -
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 1 1 1 USA Johnnie Parsons Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Wynn's Friction / Kurtis-Kraft Firestone 138 - - 2h:46m:55,970s [VR] 5 5 4 8 PAR 555,174
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 2 2 3 USA Bill Holland Deidt-Offenhauser Blue Crown Spark Plug/Moore Firestone 137 - - +01 vueltas 10 10 8 6 HOL 551,151
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 3 3 31 USA Mauri Rose Deidt-Offenhauser Tuffanelli Derrico Offenhauser/Howard Keck Firestone 137 - - +01 vueltas 3 3 0 4 ROS 551,151
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 4 4 54 USA Cecil Green Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser John Zink/M.A. Walker Firestone 137 - - +01 vueltas 12 12 8 3 GRE 551,151
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 5 5 17 USA Joie Chitwood Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Ervin Wolfe Firestone 82 - - relevado por Bettenhausen 9 9 4 1 CHI 329,886
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 5 5 17 USA Tony Bettenhausen Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Ervin Wolfe Firestone 54 - - +02 vueltas - - - 1 BET 217,242
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 6 6 8 USA Lee Wallard Moore-Offenhauser Blue Crown Spark Plug/Moore Firestone 136 - - +02 vueltas 23 23 17 0 WAL 547,128
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 7 7 98 USA Walt Faulkner Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser 2000 Grant Piston Ring/Agajanian Firestone 135 - - +03 vueltas [PP] 1 1 -6 0 FAU 543,105
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 8 8 5 USA George Connor Lesovsky-Offenhauser Blue Crown Spark Plug/Moore Firestone 135 - - +03 vueltas 4 4 -4 0 CON 543,105
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 9 9 7 USA Paul Russo Nichels-Offenhauser Paul Russo & Ray Nichels Firestone 135 - - +03 vueltas 19 19 10 0 RUS 543,105
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 10 10 59 USA Pat Flaherty Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Granatelli-Sabourin/Grancor Firestone 135 - - +03 vueltas 11 11 1 0 FLA 543,105
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 11 11 2 USA Myron Fohr Marchese-Offenhauser Bardahl/Carl Marchese Firestone 133 - - +05 vueltas 16 16 5 0 FOH 535,059
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 12 12 18 USA Duane Carter Stevens-Offenhauser Murrell Belanger Firestone 133 - - +05 vueltas 13 13 1 0 CAR 535,059
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 13 13 15 USA Mack Hellings Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Tuffy's Offy Firestone 132 - - +06 vueltas 26 26 13 0 HEL 531,036
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 14 14* 49 USA Jack McGrath Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Jack Hinkle Firestone 131 - - accidente 6 6 -8 0 MCG 527,013
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 15 15 55 USA Troy Ruttman Lesovsky-Offenhauser Bowes Seal Fast Racing Firestone 130 - - +08 vueltas 24 24 9 0 RUT 522,990
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 16 16 75 USA Gene Hartley Langley-Offenhauser Troy Oil / Joe Langley Firestone 128 - - +10 vueltas 31 31 15 0 HAR 514,944
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 17 17 22 USA Jimmy Davies Ewing-Offenhauser Pat Clancy Firestone 128 - - +10 vueltas 27 27 10 0 DAV 514,944
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 18 18 62 USA Johnny McDowell Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Peter Wales Trucking Firestone 128 - - +10 vueltas 33 33 15 0 MCD 514,944
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 19 19 4 USA Walt Brown Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Tuffy's Offy Firestone 127 - - +11 vueltas 20 20 1 0 BRO 510,921
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 20 20 21 USA Spider Webb Maserati-Offenhauser 8CTF Fadely-Anderson/R.A. Cott Firestone 126 - - +12 vueltas 14 14 -6 0 WEB 506,898
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 21 21 81 USA Jerry Hoyt Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Ludson Morris Firestone 125 - - +13 vueltas 15 15 -6 0 HOY 502,875
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 22 22 27 USA Walt Ader Rae-Offenhauser Sampson Manufacturing Firestone 123 - - +15 vueltas 29 29 7 0 ADE 494,829
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 23 23 77 USA Jackie Holmes Olson-Offenhauser Special Norm Olson Firestone 123 - - accidente 30 30 7 0 HOL 494,829
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 24 24 76 USA Jim Rathmann Wetteroth-Offenhauser Pioneer Auto Repair/Lorenz Firestone 122 - - +16 vueltas 28 28 4 0 RAT 490,806
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 25 25 12 USA Henry Banks Maserati-Offenhauser 8CTF Indianapolis Race Cars Firestone 71 - - relevado por Agabashian 21 21 -4 0 BAN 285,633
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 25 25 12 USA Fred Agabashian Maserati-Offenhauser Indianapolis Race Cars Firestone 41 - - fuga de aceite - - - 0 AGA 164,943
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 26 26 67 USA Bill Schindler Snowberger-Offenhauser Automobile Shippers/Rassey Firestone 111 - - transmisión 22 22 -4 0 SCH 446,553
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 27 27 24 USA Bayliss Levrett Adams-Offenhauser Richard Palmer Firestone 105 - - relevado por Cantrell 17 17 -10 0 LEV 422,415
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 27 27 24 USA Bill Cantrell Adams-Offenhauser Richard Palmer Firestone 3 - - presión de aceite - - - 0 CAN 12,069
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 28 28 28 USA Fred Agabashian Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Wynn's Friction / Kurtis-Kraft Firestone 64 - - fuga de aceite 2 2 -26 0 AGA 257,472
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 29 29 61 USA Jimmy Jackson Kurtis Kraft-Cummins Cummins Diesel Firestone 52 - - compresor 32 32 3 0 JAC 209,196
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 30 30 23 USA Sam Hanks Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Merz Engineering/Milt Marion Firestone 42 - - presión de aceite 25 25 -5 0 HAN 168,966
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 31 31 14 USA Tony Bettenhausen Deidt-Offenhauser Blue Crown Spark Plug/Moore Firestone 30 - - rodamiento 8 8 -23 0 BET 120,690
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 32 32 45 USA Dick Rathmann Watson-Offenhauser Indy Roadster City of Glendale/A.J. Watson Firestone 25 - - mecánica 18 18 -14 0 RAT 100,575
3 || 03 | 34th 500 Mile Race of Indianapolis R 33 33 69 USA Duke Dinsmore Kurtis Kraft-Offenhauser Brown Motors Firestone 10 - - fuga de aceite 7 7 -26 0 DIN 40,230
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 1 1 14 ARG Juan Manuel Fangio Alfa Romeo 158 Alfa Romeo SpA Pirelli 0 - 2m:42,100s - 1 1 0 0 FAN -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 2 2 16 ITA Giuseppe Farina Alfa Romeo 158 Alfa Romeo SpA Pirelli 0 - 2m:42,800s +0m:00,700s 2 2 0 0 FAR -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 3 3 12 ITA Luigi Fagioli Alfa Romeo 158 Alfa Romeo SpA Pirelli 0 - 2m:45,200s +0m:03,100s 3 3 0 0 FAG -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 4 4 22 ITA Luigi Villoresi Ferrari 125 Scuderia Ferrari Pirelli 0 - 2m:46,100s +0m:04,000s 4 4 0 0 VIL -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 5 5 18 ITA Alberto Ascari Ferrari 125 Scuderia Ferrari Pirelli 0 - 2m:46,800s +0m:04,700s 5 5 0 0 ASC -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 6 6 42 FRA Philippe Étancelin Talbot-Lago T26C Piloto privado Dunlop 0 - 2m:51,100s +0m:09,000s 6 6 0 0 ETA -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 7 7 6 FRA Yves Giraud-Cabantous Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA Dunlop 0 - 2m:52,700s +0m:10,600s 7 7 0 0 GIR -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 8 8 30 THA Birabongse Bhanubandh Maserati 4CLT/48 Enrico Platé Pirelli 0 - 2m:53,200s +0m:11,100s 8 8 0 0 BHA -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 9 9 8 FRA Eugène Martin Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA Dunlop 0 - 2m:53,700s +0m:11,600s 9 9 0 0 MAR -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 10 10 10 FRA Louis Rosier Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA Dunlop 0 - 2m:54,000s +0m:11,900s 10 10 0 0 ROS -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 11 11 32 CHE Emmanuel de Graffenried Maserati 4CLT/48 Enrico Platé Pirelli 0 - 2m:54,200s +0m:12,100s 11 11 0 0 DEG -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 12 12 34 ITA Felice Bonetto Maserati Milano-Speluzzi 4CLT/50 Scuderia Milano Pirelli 0 - 2m:54,600s +0m:12,500s 12 12 0 0 BON -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 13 13 20 FRA Raymond Sommer Ferrari 166F2/50 Scuderia Ferrari Pirelli 0 - 2m:54,600s +0m:12,500s 13 13 0 0 SOM -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 14 14 4 BEL Johnny Claes Talbot-Lago T26C Ecurie Belge Englebert 0 - 2m:59,000s +0m:16,900s 14 14 0 0 CLA -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 15 15 2 ITA Nello Pagani Maserati 4CLT/48 Scuderia Achille Varzi Pirelli 0 - 3m:06,900s +0m:24,700s 15 15 0 0 PAG -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 16 16 26 MON Louis Chiron Maserati 4CLT/48 Officine Alfieri Maserati Pirelli 0 - 3m:06,900s +0m:24,700s 16 16 0 0 CHI -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 17 17 40 CHE Antonio Branca Maserati 4CL Scuderia Achille Varzi Pirelli 0 - 3m:10,000s +0m:27,900s 17 17 0 0 BRA -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 18 18 44 USA Harry Schell Talbot-Lago T26C Ecurie Bleue Dunlop 0 - 3m:11,500s +0m:29,400s 18 18 0 0 SCH -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 19 Nq 24 GBR Peter Whitehead Ferrari 125 Scuderia Ferrari Pirelli 0 - - sin coche 19 - - 0 WHI -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 20 Np 28 ITA Franco Rol Maserati 4CLT/48 Officine Alfieri Maserati Pirelli 0 - - no pres. (herido GP Mónaco) 20 - - 0 ROL -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 21 Np 36 GBR Reg Parnell Maserati 4CLT/48 Scuderia Ambrosiana Dunlop 0 - - no presentado 21 - - 0 PAR -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 22 Np 38 CHE Rudolf Fischer SVA-FIAT 1500 Ecurie Espadon Pirelli 0 - - no presentado 22 - - 0 FIS -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz Q 23 Np 2 ARG José Froilán González Maserati 4CLT/48 Scuderia Achille Varzi Pirelli 0 - - no pres. (herido GP Mónaco) 23 - - 0 GON -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz VR 1 1 16 ITA Giuseppe Farina Alfa Romeo 158 Alfa Romeo SpA Pirelli 8 2m:41,600s - 162,178 km/h - - - 1 FAR -
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz R 1 1 16 ITA Giuseppe Farina Alfa Romeo 158 Alfa Romeo SpA Pirelli 42 - - 2h:02m:53,700s [VR] 2 2 1 8 FAR 305,760
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz R 2 2 12 ITA Luigi Fagioli Alfa Romeo 158 Alfa Romeo SpA Pirelli 42 - - +0m:00,400s 3 3 1 6 FAG 305,760
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz R 3 3 10 FRA Louis Rosier Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Automobiles Talbot-Darracq SA Dunlop 41 - - +01 vueltas 10 10 7 4 ROS 298,480
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz R 4 4 30 THA Birabongse Bhanubandh Maserati 4CLT/48 Enrico Platé Pirelli 40 - - +02 vueltas 8 8 4 3 BHA 291,200
4 || 04 | X Grosser Preis der Schweiz R 5<